Thursday, December 31, 2009

“Possessing Short – Term Memory”

Scripture: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! …” –Isaiah 43:18&19, NIV

One of the biggest things most major athletes possess is a short-term memory. Case in point: I was watching a bowl game this year and I saw the best corner back on one team going against the best wide receiver on the other team. The wide receiver burned the corner back for a touchdown and the crowd went nuts. What do the corner back rely upon? He relied on his short-term memory in order to block the last play behind and continue on with the game. Once he did that, he shut down the wide receiver and the corner back’s team won the bowl game. We, as children of the Almighty God, must possess short – term memory; especially during this time of year. As we transition from one year to another, or in our case, one decade to another, if you do not possess this attribute, then I ask our Heavenly Father on today to bless you with short-term memory in order for you to succeed in 2010. Today’s text provides further clarity on why you should possess short-term memory.

Today’s devotional is set in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the first book of the five Major Prophets within the Old Testament and is the longest book of this group. Within this chapter, we find Isaiah writing to the children of Israel about their only Savior and about God’s mercy and their unfaithfulness. Our main scripture on today is found in the theme dealing with God’s mercy and Israel’s unfaithfulness.

God Himself, with Isaiah as the writer, provides us the rationale behind possessing short – term memory. He starts in verse 18 by saying, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past”. Brothers and sisters, one of our biggest problems that holds us from excelling from one year to the next or from one part of our lives to the other is the fact we hold on to the past. So what you got passed over for a promotion, forget it! So what you had a bad relationship, forget it! So what you did not get the toy you desired for Christmas as a child, forget it! If you live in the past, the future and the present will pass you by! God is a God that’s concerned about your presence and future. He DOES NOT CARE about your past! All He cares is that you come to Him as you are! When you are in His bosom and His arms, He will wipe away the tears! He will comfort you! He will give you what you need to make it from one year to the next! Most importantly, He will help you to be successful! In order for Him to do that, you must not dwell on the past! You have to forget about it and move on!

The beginning of verse 19 provides another reason why you should have short-term memory. The main scripture concludes today by saying, “See, I am doing a new thing!” As we close out 2009, know that God wants to do a new thing in you! He wants to bless you with a new attitude! He wants to bless you with a new set of mercies! He wants to bless you with achieving new goals you have set for yourself! He wants to bless you to make an impact on someone’s life! He wants to bless you to be a new creature, period! He desires that your “old man” dies and your “new man” lives! Don’t you owe that to yourself? Don’t you owe yourself joy in God? Don’t you owe yourself peace in God? Don’t you owe yourself new opportunities to grow in God? Don’t you owe yourself opportunities to be the best you can for yourself and your family? Don’t you owe it to God to be at your best since He’s always at your best? If that’s the case, obtain this short-term memory and forget the former things and stop dwelling on the past!

In closing, Happy New Year and Happy New You! Do not let the old you stop the new you from obtaining God’s blessings in 2010!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"The Blessing of Possessing God's DNA"

Scripture: "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. …" -1 John 5:4, NIV

Many of us are proud, to some extent, of the family we were birthed into. Granted, we may have a "drunk uncle" or an aunt who talks too much or a relative who knows everything, but at the end of the day, these people make up your family. Due to being a part of this family, we carry some of the same genetic material or DNA. This DNA dictates characteristics such as hair color, eye color, skin pigmentation, and the list goes on and on. In addition, we have or had family members who were natural leaders, born fighters, naturally gifted in certain subject areas, and other things and these characteristics are a part of our DNA as well. Some people will say that you are a fighter and you will say that "it's in my DNA or it's in the genes". It's wonderful to possess your family's DNA, but it's a greater blessing to possess God's DNA. How are we blessed to possess God's DNA? Today's text will provide us clarity in this area.

Our main scripture for today can be found in 1 John. This book, along with 2 and 3 John, are the books before the Bible ends with Jude and Revelation in the New Testament. One of the purposes of this particular book, according to scholars, is to excite real Christians to communion with God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to maintain a true faith in Him, and to live life as pure as you can. Within this final chapter of 1 John, the author has concluding remarks and deals with having faith in Jesus Christ.

With all of this good stuff established, how are we blessed by possessing God's DNA? The text answers this question in the (a) clause of this text. We are blessed because the text says, "for everyone born of God overcomes the world". What a profound announcement to carry with you into 2010! As men and women of God, we get into the "woe is me" talk about things. When our bills begin to stack up, we begin to "woe is me". When our children begin to act up, we continue with the "woe is me". When our marriages take a bump in the road, we continue with the "woe is me". When your boss begins to act up at the job, you have the "woe is me" attitude. Enough of the "woe is me"! Enough of thinking you cannot survive the bumps in your marriage or relationship! Enough of thinking you will not see your child doing right again! Enough of thinking you cannot pay your bills! Because you possess God's DNA, you are an OVERCOMER of the world!

Think about it for one second, the pains you have suffered in life. How did you overcome? Through Jesus Christ! How did you overcome the hurts of people dogging you out? Through Jesus Christ! How did you overcome not working over a period of time? Through Jesus Christ! How did you survive the wounds of your childhood? Through Jesus Christ! When you are born of God (receive Him as your Savior), you are giving some awesome DNA! You are giving the DNA to overcome! You are giving the DNA to defeat the enemy! You are giving the DNA to become great! You are giving the DNA to make your name great and further establish the blessing of Abraham in your life!

In closing, our DNA from our family brings out the best in us and at times, the worst in us. When we are born of God, we have the DNA to overcome! We have the DNA to fight! We have the DNA to war with our Word, our prayers, and our mouths! I encourage you, my brother and my sister, as you enter into 2010, DO NOT allow life to overwhelm you because you possess God's DNA! Within God's DNA, you have the ability to overcome and make it! You are a winner and not a loser! You are the head and NOT the tail!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"What a Little Faith Can Do for You"

Scripture: "And the Lord said, If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." -Luke 17:6, ESV

As we close out 2009 and enter into a new decade, 2010, we have all experienced situations where God wanted to test our faith. I can recall a few instances within my lifetime where the money was funny, the change was strange, and most importantly, the bills were due. Due to my faith in God and working the principles of tithes and offering, He helped me to pay those bills and maintain good standing with those bills. Recently, I knew of my friend's wife, who applied for a position, and because of the faith she had in God, God supplied her need with the position. At the end of the day, faith, along with works, can bring great rewards to your life. In order to get these rewards, you have to have a little faith. Today's text will provide yet another example of what a little faith can do for you.

Today’s devotional is set in the Gospel account according to Luke. Of the four Gospel accounts in the New Testament, this account serves as the second longest in chapter length only behind Matthew's account. Luke, the great physician, displayed many of Christ's miracles, discussed Jesus' use of parables, and introduced to us the birth and ministry of John the Baptist. Within this particular chapter, Luke writes up Jesus' discussion of several topics that include: temptation to sin, increasing your faith, unworthy servants, Jesus' cleansing of the ten lepers, and the coming of the Kingdom. Today's main scripture falls into the topic of increasing your faith.

As we begin to look at this main scripture, the first couple of words should invoke your attention: And the Lord said. This should invoke your attention because not only are these words from Christ Himself, but because when He says something, it carries a power behind it that demands your attention. Within this topic of faith, Christ had something to say to His apostles. As you continue to live life on today, listen for what the Lord says to you. It will come through your pastor preaching, songs over the radio, conversation with your fellow brother and sister, and other things. As Jesus implored the people of His day, He that has an ear, let Him hear. What exactly did Christ want His disciples and us to hear from Him about faith?

He wants us to hear this statement: "If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you. According to, a mustard seed's diameter is 3 mm, meaning it's a very small seed. If you have just a little faith, the size of a 3mm diameter seed, then Jesus is telling you that you can uproot a mulberry tree, that can be as tall as 50 feet tall, and be planted in the sea and the tree would obey you. Ladies and gentlemen, with a little faith, God can make awesome things happen for you! With a little faith, your child can find his/her way to Jesus. With a little faith, you can be placed in the job of your dreams! With a little faith, you can be placed in an awesome marriage! With a little faith, you can possess the home God wanted you to have! With a little faith, you can be healed from your soul's diseases! You can do a lot if you have a little faith!

In closing, Jesus wanted His disciples to possess a little faith because He had entrusted in them a lot. Just like His disciples, Christ has entrusted a lot into you and me! There is so much we can do and need to do to excel His Kingdom! We cannot do it unless we exercise some work along with some faith! Exercise the little faith you have, multiply it, and watch what God will do and can do for you!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"The Best Gift You Can Get for Christmas"

Scripture: "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." -Matthew 1:21 - 23

About two years ago, I received one of the most practical and useful gifts for Christmas. As I was transitioning from North Carolina to Metropolitan DC, my wife wanted me to have a much needed necessity for getting around this area: a GPS. For the two or three days leading up to Christmas, she hinted at would you like a GPS and what do you think of a GPS. When I opened it up and began to use it, I definitely saw the potential in it. Until about less than a year ago, whenever I needed to get around the area as far as finding a mall or anything, I placed the address in the GPS and it allowed me to get from point A to point B. For that, it has served as one of the best gifts I have received for Christmas. Others of you may say the best gifts you have received included a mink coat, some diamond earrings, an engagement ring, or others. On the flip side, there was a gift that came over 2,000 years ago and He is truly the best gift you can get for Christmas. This "gift" is Jesus Christ. Today's text will provide more clarity to why Jesus is the best gift to have for Christmas.

Today’s devotional is set in the Gospel account according to Matthew. Within its initial chapter, Matthew chronicles two important things: the lineage of Jesus Christ and His birth here on Earth. We find out that Jesus came through forty-two generations. Inside of these forty-two generations of Jesus included Abraham, Isaac, Ruth, Rahab the harlot, David, and Jesus’ father on Earth, Joseph. Before Jesus came on the scene, Joseph was engaged to Mary. However, his engagement plans were up in the air when he found out that she was pregnant. Truth be told, in today’s time and even back in the days, pregnancy before marriage was one that brought disappointment to parents’ homes everywhere. On the other hand, we find out that this pregnancy was of the Holy Spirit, who conceived the baby within Mary’s womb. With all of this going on, Joseph went on to sleep and as he went to sleep, an angel of the Lord visited him. Isn’t it a blessing when God can visit you, whether when you are asleep or awoke? As the angel of God began to minister to Joseph, He tells Joseph and us today why Jesus is the best gift for Christmas.

Jesus is the best gift for Christmas, first, because He was the gift we needed. If we think back in time, there have been times where our parents or we as parents bought/received things that were needed. Just as those T-shirts, pants, shoes, underwear, and things were needed, Jesus was needed then and is definitely needed now. During that time, we recognize that Jesus was needed because the world was full of sin, just like today. They disrespected God, they gave sacrifices to idol gods, and they did selfish things. As Joseph was listening to the angel of God, the angel, in verse 21, shared with Joseph that this little boy “shall save His people from their sins”. Aren’t you glad that Jesus saved you from your sins?

Lastly, Jesus is the best gift for Christmas because He was the gift you were promised. Can you remember back during your childhood that if you were on good behavior that you would get a certain gift and when Christmas came, you got it? Well, within the text, the angel goes on, in verses 22 and 23, to let Joseph know that Jesus was the gift God promised the world. He lets us know through these statements: “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us”. The prophet who made this declaration was the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. Though Isaiah prophesied over 600 years ago, God still fulfilled His promise that Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 9:6 when he said, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

In closing, we are thankful to God, family, and friends for remembering us on Christmas. There's one true reason for this season and it's Jesus the Christ. If He would not have been born to a virgin Mary and conceived of the Holy Spirit, we would NOT have the things we have and celebrate the way we celebrate! May your holiday be filled with Christ in your hearts, and love for your fellow man!

Friday, December 18, 2009

"Your Mess Is Where God Wants to Manifest"

Scripture: "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." -John 9:1-3

One of the most powerful things I have seen was something I saw on YouTube on last evening. This took place at "The River" in Durham, North Carolina under the pastorship of Pastor Sheryl Brady. There was a young lady who had an eight-month old little girl who has been in a coma since she was two months old. The mother of this little girl decided to take her away from the hospital and bring her to church, believing that God can deliver her baby. At the church, they brought the mother and her little girl to Pastor Brady. Pastor Brady invoked the presence of God through that place through prayer and praying in the Holy Spirit. Twenty-three minutes later, after prayer, worship, and praise throughout The River, the little girl opened her eyes and opened her mouth. You can see this miracle by going to YouTube and typing in "Christmas Miracle at the River". I tell this story because this little girl was messed up, but because of the faith of her mother, this was a grand opportunity for God to manifest! Don't you realize on today that though we are messes in the eyesight of God, He still wants to manifest His blessings within us? Let's examine today's text and gain further clarity.

Today's devotional has led us to the Gospel account according to John. As John pens this book, he writes with the passion and delivery that Jesus is Logos or "the Word". Through his book, John does not go through the genealogy of Christ, but establishes Him like God was established in Genesis. Within this chapter, Chapter 9, John records Jesus healing a blind man from birth (today's focus story), how the Pharisees investigated the healing, and discussed spiritual blindness.

The text begins with Jesus walking and recognizes a man which was blind from birth. Many of us have something going on with us from birth, whether if it's a physical sickness, an emotional sickness, or a mental sickness, we all have something! Even if you were not born with any sickness within you, as you have grown up and lived life, sickness has intruded your body in one form or another, therefore, making you and I a mess!

The text continues, in verse 2, where the disciples asked Jesus, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" One thing, brothers and sisters, that is critical is that the circumstances of how you and I got to being sick or being the way we are matters not! At the end of the day, are we man enough or woman enough to believe God for healing and deliverance? Are we man enough or woman enough to have faith in God to cure us of our sicknesses?

Verse 3 concludes this awesome story where Jesus tells the disciples "Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in Him". I bless God that though I had asthma and bronchitis, God saw fit to manifest His healing blessings in me! Though some of you have been born or you have been infected with financial issues, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! Though some of you may not have the strongest emotions, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! Though you may be single or in a marriage/relationship where you are not happy, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! It's because you are in a mess where God wants to bless! Do you realize that at your weakest point is where God obtains greatest strength? Something I heard a preacher say this year was that "If it's the Lord's will, then it's God bill!" If it's the Lord's will for you to be healed, then He will take the tab for it! If it's the Lord's will for you to be married and not alone, then He will work on sending your mate or helping you find your mate! If it's the Lord's will for you to be healed, then He will send His healing virtue! God wants to be your Superman and help you make it through!

In closing, I was in utter shock as I saw this beautiful baby wake up after six months of being in a coma. Just like that baby, we all suffer from sickness or being "messed up". Also, like the baby, God wants to move in your situation and manifest Himself in you! As He manifest Himself in you, He will get the Glory out of your story!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Hold On"

Scripture: "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him …" -Psalms 37:7, NIV

If we were to call an ace an ace and a spade a spade, we have all experienced waiting on someone to go to church. In a home with at least two people other than yourself, you find yourself getting dressed and ready to leave. As you make the statement that you are about to leave, two words come out of their mouth emphatically: HOLD ON! Because they scream that, you continuously wait on the individual(s) until they are dressed and ready to go with you. In the Kingdom of God, there are times where you want to do something, but God wants you to hold on for a moment. Why does God want you to hold on? Today's text provides the answer.

Just like yesterday's devotional, today's devotional setting is the book of Psalms. Within this 37th chapter, the author of this psalm is David. The goal of this psalm from David's standpoint was to provoke patience and confidence in God by the state of the godly and of the wicked. Within this chapter as well, we receive clarification on why God wants us to hold on at times.

David begins the text by saying, "Be still before the Lord". Simple enough, right? Well, for most of us, we can't be still or we choose not to be still. There have been times where we have pulled the plug on getting into a relationship with someone, but God was telling you to be still. There have been times where you have went and bought a vehicle and God was telling you to be still. There have been times where you have borrowed money from someone to pay a bill; however, God was telling you to be still. There are times where God wants us to be still before we make any quick moves! He wants to provide for you in your clutch situation! He wants to provide for you when no one else can! He wants you to help you, but He needs you to be still!

Not only are you commanded to be still before the Lord, God wants you to "wait patiently for Him". In other words, HOLD ON! Before you put yourself in dire financial straits, hold on! Before you put yourself in an emotional bind, hold on! Before you place yourself in a spiritual bind, hold on! Before you decide to give up on your marriage, hold on! Before you decide to give up on your child, hold on! If you can be patient with God, He has great things in store for you! He tells us through His prophet Isaiah "That they that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings of eagles, …". In order to soar above your problems, you have to wait! God confirms this in James 1:4 when the writer wrote "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." When you hold on and wait on God's instruction, it will be the best decision you ever made! I often think about the choices I had as far as the one I would marry. I had choices, but suppose if I would have NOT waited on God and picked what Haile wanted. I would have been in bad shape! However, because I was patient and held on, God sent me the right woman to be my mate! There are many of you that have a similar testimony or even greater testimony, but today, God wants to re-affirm in your life that He wants you to HOLD ON before you get burnt!

In closing, it paid for me to hold on and wait on God on a lot of things (mate, school, job, etc.). It has also paid for you to hold on and wait as well. My prayer for you today, my brother, and my sister, is that you will exercise patience, hold on on making snap decisions, and let God direct you and guide you in the crucial elements of your life! Isn't He worth waiting on today?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"When God's Word Is Unfolded"

Scripture: "The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." -Psalms 119:130, NIV

As all of us have grown up in one form or another, we have found ourselves in those relationships where we thought that we were in love. Our parents often refer to this kind of love as "puppy love". Our parents would tell us that you don't have a clue what love is. Throughout these relationships, we found ourselves writing letters to our respective "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". As we would write these letters, we would fold them like 1,000 times over where no one could see the contents except for your boyfriend/girlfriend. Upon reception of these letters, one would find his/herself anxious to see what their boyfriend/girlfriend wrote them. Due to this "anxiousness", you would unfold the letter until the complete sheet of paper came into form and you are able to read everything. If truth were told, we have someone who wants to unfold some things to us as well - the Almighty God! He wants to unfold these things to us through His Word. What happens when God's Word is unfolded? Today's text will provide us the answer to this important question.

Our Hump Day today brings us to the longest book in the Bible, Psalms. Psalms has 150 chapters and oddly enough, today's chapter of reference is the physical center of the Bible. The Bible contains 1,188 chapters and the 594th chapter of the Bible is Psalms 119. This particular division/chapter of Psalms is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. Psalms 119 is a poem, specifically an acrostic poem where the verses of each stanza begin with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Within this poem, God provides us clarity to what happens when His Word is unfolded in our lives.

The text begins with the one of the answers of what happens when God's Word is unfolded. The writer says, "The unfolding of Your words give light". If truth were told, we have ALL been in situations where we did not know what to do, how to say things, how to make things happen, and other things. However, when the Word of God is unfolded to you, it brings light. It brings epiphany or revelation to you. I could remember times where I desired for God to bless me with certain things. Through the "light" His Word gave me, He took me to Matthew 21:22 where it says, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Once I applied this Word into my walk, God started moving and the things I desired came to pass. I do not know the things you may desire or the things you want, but God's Word will shed some "light" to your dark subject when His Word is opened or unfolded!

Not only does God's Word provide light when it's unfolded, but it also "gives understanding to the simple". The English Standard Version says, "imparts understanding to the simple". When God's Word is unfolded to the simple or those who may not know Him like that, it provides or imparts understanding to that individual. One of the greatest things I have learned from Ministry and teaching is that in order to understand God's Word, get you a good Study Bible or two, but most importantly tap into the power of God and ask Him to help you understand His Word. When you get into it and you're primed and ready to read and absorb, He will provide understanding.

In closing, as we were excited to unfold the letter(s) written by our sweethearts, we ought to be just as excited to unfold God's Word. When we unfold God's Word, it will provide you light and provide understanding to the simple and our simple situations. Are you going to continuously stay in the dark or are you going to unfold God's Word and receive the light you need for your situations?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Make Your Load Lighter"

Scripture: "But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied." -Exodus 18:21 - 23, NIV

One of the greatest aspects of life one can experience is getting married. On the day of a wedding, two people, the bride and the groom, pledges their love to God and to the host of witnesses who are there. Usually when this ceremony takes place, the setting of the ceremony is usually decked out with an altar, decorations, candles, and bridesmaids and groomsmen dressed in tuxedos and beautiful dresses. However, before this day comes together, other things come into focus like who is going to decorate the church, who is going to make the programs, who is going to create the bouquets, who is going to buy the boutonnieres, and other important things. If the bride and groom did all of this, then they would be very tired for their special day. Usually, the bride and the groom gets a wedding organizer, who in turn, delegates the responsibility to others to get things done. In the Kingdom of God, we find that our pastors walk in this mode of "Superman". They wear 1,000 hats and yet, they desire a little help. If truth were told, many of you juggle quite a few of things as well and you are in need of help. Well, God wants me to encourage you to make your load lighter. Today's text provides us an example of one who had to make his load lighter.

Our devotional journey today has brought us to the second book of the Old Testament and the Bible, the book of Exodus (meaning "to exit out"). This book, along with the first other four books in the Bible, were written by Moses. Within this eighteenth chapter, we find Moses, his wife, and his sons were about to enjoy the company of Moses' father-in-law, Jethro. As you continue to read, you find that Jethro expressed his happiness for the things God had done for the Israelites through Moses. You must remember that Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Wilderness. However, while in the Wilderness, God has provided their every need and allowed them to defeat some capable foes who have tried to attack them. Isn't it a blessing to know that when you are in your wilderness, God will still provide and allow you to defeat your foes that come at you? As the story continues, we find that Jethro observed Moses doing his work on the next day, from morning until evening. With this being seen, Jethro poses the question, "Why do you sit alone as a judge?" As I am writing, the Holy Spirit wants to ask you, "Why do you work alone?", "Why do you hurt alone?", "Why do you live alone?" In other words, God through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit wants to establish some help for you! He wants you to not live your life on an island! He wants you to work smarter and not harder! He wants your load to be lighter! Since Jethro saw what went down, he gave Moses some advice, which propels us into today's main scripture.

Jethro begins his advice by saying, "But select capable men from all the people - men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens". Can you imagine how many people Moses saw on a daily basis settling their disputes? Can you imagine the fact that Moses didn't get any lunch breaks, bathroom breaks, or any other break because he was dealing with God's people? Brothers and sisters, some of us have great business ideas and great businesses; however, God wants you to adhere to His voice and when need be, pull on the coat tails of people who have done your kind of work or who has worked in Ministry that can provide guidance in a matter. Imagine this my married people if one of you took on everything! I mean paid the bills, cooked the meals, washed the clothes, folded the clothes, made all the beds, kept the house straight, took care of the children, worked your 8 or 9 hour job, catered to your mate, go to church when scheduled or need be, and everything else! Wouldn't you get tired or burned out? Of course, you would! That's why it's imperative to understand one another's strengths and allow your spouse to get things done in their respective arena, thus making the load lighter! Within church, we often find ourselves in ministries where the leader does everything and everyone around the table has gifts! The leader needs your gifts so that he/she won't get burned out! If you are one of those leaders who is reading this devotional, then pray to God that He will point you to people and in turn, get you the help you need!

As Jethro continued with this advice, he told Moses to allow these men to serve as judges at all times, but when they had tough cases, then turn them over to you. Ladies and gentlemen, as you inquire God for help and receive help from your brothers and sisters, recognize where your hand still needs to be there! Recognize where people can help you and recognize where people cannot help you! Everyone cannot be you and do the things you do and because of that, that line must be drawn!

Upon Jethro giving Moses his advice, he concludes his thoughts by saying, "That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied." In closing, brothers and sisters, know that if God does not provide you with the help in men, He can provide you with the help through Him! He tells us in His Word that we ought "to lay aside every weight that so easily beset us …". If you are carrying a load of distress, lay it down! If you are carrying a load of past scars, lay it down! If you are carrying a load of distrust, lay it down! If you are carrying a load of health issues, lay it down! If you are carrying a load of financial problems, lay it down! Whatever is making your load heavier, lay it down, so your load can be lighter! Moses needed help and what his father-in-law gave him was sound advice. I can only imagine that God has given each of you (myself included), some advice on lighting your load. Will you listen to Him today?

Monday, December 14, 2009

"The Value of Forgiveness"

Scripture: "If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you. But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." -Matthew 6:14 & 15, CEV

As we live this thing we call life, we find ourselves having gone through some rough situations and circumstances with people. There have been times where people had made you the grunt of every joke, thus causing an emotional scar on your brain, or the fact that you have someone that cannot respect you correctly due to the way he/she talks to you, and other things. At the end of the day, we, as men and women of God, must find room in our hearts to forgive them. Jesus prayed to His Father while hanging on the cross by saying, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing". If truth were told, we ought to have this same prayer on our lips for those who have done us wrong, for those who disrespect us, for those who lack empathy, and anything else. Through forgiveness, there's a value that comes along with it. Today's text will illustrate the value of forgiveness.

Today's focal book comes from the Gospel according to Matthew. Matthew was a tax collector and wrote his Gospel account similar to those of Mark and Luke. From these three Gospel accounts, Matthew contains the largest amount of chapters, twenty-eight. Within this sixth chapter of Matthew, Jesus is doing some teaching. As He is doing this teaching, Jesus discussed several subjects: worry, giving, prayer, light, worshipping God by not eating (fasting), money, and treasures in Heaven. Today's main scripture falls into the subject of prayer.

Matthew 6:9 - 13 is considered by scholars and us today as the "Lord's Prayer". This prayer was given by Jesus as a model prayer in how one should pray to the Father. Upon completion of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus goes on to discuss this thing we call forgiveness. He gives us the rationale of why we should forgive. He tells us that "If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in Heaven will forgive you". What a powerful and yet simple statement! If you do not remember anything else I have said on today, remember to forgive people because you desire that God forgives you! Even when your child lashes out at you for no reason, forgive them! Even when your husband/wife has hurt your feelings, forgive them! Even when your church member said something out of the way to you, forgive them! Even when your brother or sister hurts you unintentionally, forgive them! When you forgive them, God will forgive you and when He forgives you, He wipes your slate clean! Peter poses the question in Matthew 18 after Jesus told a parable. He posed the question, "How many times are we to forgive our brother? Seven times? … Jesus says, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven times." In other words, no matter how many times you are wronged, you need to forgive them!

Jesus concludes the text by letting us know this: "But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins". We tend to, from time to time, go to bed, angry at our spouses, children, family, friends, etc. because of something they said. Ephesians 4:26 gives us some great advice. It tells us, "In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry". In other words, exercise your anger and spill out what is angering you. In other words, do not hold grudges for so long that you are impeding the blessings God has for you. Do not be the type that because ______ has not paid you some money back that you are angry with them for the rest of your life. Do not be the type to not forgive your sister because she slept with your man or friend. Do not be the type to not forgive your spouse when they cussed you out or hurt your feelings. When you do not forgive, God does not forgive you! When He does not forgive you, He has blessings with your name on it, but He needs to see your trust in Him to forgive your brothers and sisters! One thing I have come to realize is that you do not need to avenge the person/people who have hurt you, God will avenge them for you! He tells us in two instances that "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay" and "Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm". You have all the right reasons to forgive and the wrong reasons not to forgive!

In closing, I know that many of you have been hurt. People have done you wrong, made you an outcast, talked about you like a dog, and the list goes on and on. Isn't it a blessing to know that God still wants you to forgive? Not only that, but there's a value in forgiving those who have wronged you? I encourage you today, my brother and my sister, if someone has wronged you in the past, speak forgiveness into the atmosphere and go on with your life! When you do that, watch God erupt with blessings for you!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"The Power of Being Connected"

Scripture: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." -John 15:5, NIV

As a young preacher in the Gospel, I have learned about today's topic via first-hand experience. I have seen preachers get the opportunity to preach in places they never expected to and that's due to their connection with their pastor. If your pastor is well respected, then you are going to be thought of in high regards because you sit under him. Nine times out of ten, if a pastor say that one of his preachers is good to another pastor, then the other pastor agrees and allows the preacher to preach at his church. Another arena where connection is key is the workplace. We oftentimes are searching for the next move up the food chain. As the old cliché says, "It's not what you know, but who you know". As you get to know the higher ups within your company/agency, they in turn can put in good words for you, thus leading you to a greater job in the future. Of course there are other arenas where connection is vital such as school and society in general, but there's no greater connection than that of your connection with the Almighty God. Today's text will emphasize the power of being connected to God.

Today, our devotional journey leads us back to the Gospel account according to John. On this past Monday, we talked from the thought "He Brings Good Things to Light" from the 12th chapter of this book. Within that particular devotional, we dealt with how Jesus came as a light to the darkness we know as this world. As He came to this world, He provided His light, thus helping you and I get out of our darkness! Isn't it a blessing to be able to see and get out of your darkness? Isn't it a blessing to have light shedded on you so you can see what's really wrong with you? Isn't it a blessing that no matter what is wrong with you that Jesus Himself came and saw you? Well, in today's devotional, and within today's focus chapter, Chapter 15, Jesus talks from two major subjects: the vine and the branches and that the world hates the Disciples. Within our journey on today, our main scripture falls in the category of the Vine and the branches.

Jesus, from the get go, establishes who is who when it comes to the Vine and the branches. He says that "I am the Vine, you are the branches." In other words, we, as His children, branch off from Christ. Before we came about, there was the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Upon their discussion, here we came to have dominion over this Earth and name everything that crawls, flies, and have breath on Earth (Genesis 1). Also, because the Trinity created us, we fall under their authority! We are to obey what they tell us to do! We are to follow God and His Word! We are to pray to Him daily and talk with Him and sup with Him, thus building our respective connections! If you remember on yesterday, we talked from the thought "The Importance of Conversation" and if you communicate with God and call on His name, He will answer and provide you insight on things you cannot believe or have seen! Isn't it a blessing to serve a God like that? Isn't it a blessing to connect to a God like that?

Jesus completes the text in really helping us understand the power of being connected to Him. He concludes the text by saying, "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing". Wow! What a harsh, but yet real reality! Marvin Sapp was telling each and everyone the truth when he sang the song "Never Would've Made It" because none of us would have made it without God! We never would have made it without His grace! We never would have made it without His mercy! We never would have made it without His love! If we remain connected to Him, there's a blessing for you. You will bear much fruit. Not a little bit of fruit, not just some fruit, but MUCH fruit! If truth were told, I see great examples of much fruit on a daily basis and you all see great examples of great fruit and if you think about it, you know it because God allowed you to bear much fruit! No matter how mad God makes you, stay connected! No matter how you think life is unfair, stay connected! No matter how bad finances get, stay connected! Anything you do, stay connected because if you do, there's much fruit that you will bear! Paul says, "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not". In other words, do not give up and hold on to your connection! However, if you want to be big and bad and leave God alone, then there's a penalty for that. Jesus Himself tells us "apart from me you can do nothing". At the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, decide what's best: staying connected to Christ or losing your connection! I know what my choice would be!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"The Importance of Conversation"

Scripture: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” -Jeremiah 33:3

Over the past two/three years, a couple dear to my heart, have hung out with other married couples. Like anyone who breathes, they had our pre-conceived notions about these respective couples until they had an opportunity to fellowship with them and learn more about them. One of the greatest keys the couple relayed to me in learning about other couples and people altogether was conversation. As you listen to one's conversation, you can pretty much figure out how one acts, how one respects his/her home, how one reveres God, and other things. After the couple had hung out with the other married couples, they would converse and say to themselves how sweet one may be or how once you get to know them, they are genuine and real. If truth were told, conversation with God is just as, if not, more important, than conversing with your fellow man. When you converse with God, He not only listens, but He shares things with you. He blesses you with His wisdom and other things. Today's text illuminates the point on the importance of conversing with God.

Today's main scripture is located in the book of Jeremiah. This book is the second longest book of the Major Prophets within the Old Testament. Jeremiah, known as the "Weeping Prophet", had to prophesy to a hard-headed bunch of people in Judah and warn them about the pending destruction of Jerusalem. Before he went into his prophecy, God allowed Jeremiah to understand that He called Jeremiah from his mother's womb to be a prophet. Not only that, He gave Jeremiah everything he needed in order to complete his task as a prophet of God. If truth were told and we cut the grass down short enough, God has equipped every one of us to complete the task He has given unto us. It's on us to receive this task and run with it! Within this particular chapter of Jeremiah, Jeremiah discusses God's promise of restoration to the people of Judah. Within this promise of restoration, we find the importance of conversing with God.

Jeremiah begins today's text by letting us know that God wants us to call on Him. He conveys this by saying, "Call to me and I will answer you". One of the essential things while going through school was raising your hand so your teacher can call on you. When he/she called on you, you conveyed to them what you knew or what you wanted to know. As we call God, we ought to convey what we know about Him and let Him know that we love Him, we praise Him, we worship Him, we thank Him for being Jehovah Jireh, we thank Him for being Jehovah Nissi, and we just thank Him for being our everything! When you let Him know what you think of Him, then you can go before Him and ask Him some things. The blessing is when you ask God something, He will answer; however, the answer may not be what you expected, but He will answer!

Not only will God answer you when you call Him, but He will "tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". When you are "in there" with God, He is not only your Father, but He considers you "His friend". When He considers you His friend, then He tells His friends secrets and things they never knew. One thing about when you commune and converse with God, He has a way of revealing things to you that make you scratch your head or makes you think: "Wow, this was no one but God that showed me this". There have been times where I have prayed for people and when I was finished, they would say, "How did you know what I was dealing with?" It wasn't Haile that knew, but it was the Friend who told me what was going on with you. There are times where you wonder where should I go and your Friend can reveal that to you if you converse with Him. Dealing with your finances, your Friend can provide you with help! Dealing with your marital issues, your Friend can provide you with help! Dealing with your parenting issues, your Friend can provide you with help! Dealing with your school issues, your Friend can provide you with help! No matter what it is, your Friend can help you, but He cannot help you unless you converse with Him!

In closing, as the married couple learned through conversation the authenticity of their couple friends, God encourages us to converse with Him! If we converse with Him, He promises us that He will answer and tell you great and unsearchable things you did not know. If you are not a big talker with the Almighty God, then I challenge you to begin today and watch what He reveals to you!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"It's Time to Play Defense"

Scripture: "Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." -2 Timothy 1:14, NIV

On this past Sunday, my wife and I witnessed the completion of one of the wildest games in the NFL season. This game pitted the undefeated New Orleans Saints versus the 3-8 Washington Redskins. Throughout most of the game, Washington had it under control and was on the verge of winning the game. They had a 30-23 lead and they had set up to kick a short field goal. However, when the field goal attempt took place, the kicker kicked it wide to the right of the goalposts. This gave New Orleans the opportunity to potentially score and send this game into overtime. The only thing Washington had to do was play defense and protect their lead. Five plays later, the Saints were in the end zone and the game was tied at 30. The game went into overtime and New Orleans got the game-winning field goal they needed in order to win and remain undefeated. Within the Kingdom of God, He has blessed you and I with some awesome things. He has blessed us with awesome pastors, great friendships with our fellow man, and other things. However, as God has blessed us, He also wants us to protect what He has given us. How do we know He wants us to play defense? Let's examine the text that's before us.

2 Timothy serves as the focal book of today. This book was the second installment from the Apostle Paul to his son in the Ministry, Timothy. Throughout the two letters Paul wrote to Timothy, he was giving him encouragement in his walk with God, allowing him to understand the characteristics of the last days, to consistently preach whenever people do and do not want to hear it, and other things. Within today's chapter, Chapter 1, Paul encourages Timothy to be faithful to the God he served. Within this encouragement, we find Paul telling Timothy and us what to defend and how to defend it.

Paul tells Timothy first to "guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you". King James said to guard "that good thing". Amplified Version said to "Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you]". Ladies and gentlemen, the "good thing" here is God's truth. If truth were told (no pun intended), we receive the truth every Sunday morning through the preached Word of God. We receive the truth every time we read God's Word for clarity. We receive the truth every time we commune with God and listen to His voice. This truth has been entrusted to you and to me. It's on us to guard it and play defense against the enemy. The Bible makes mention that we should "be sober and be vigilant, because our adversary the devil, is out to seek whom he may devour". When we have this truth on the inside, we ought to protect it. We ought to preserve it. Doesn't God deserve from us our best and for our seeds to stay in the ground so they can further grow? How do we play defense with the truth God has entrusted unto us?

The answer is found in the conclusion of this text. Paul tells Timothy and us to "guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us". If you are a living creature who loves God with all of their heart, soul, and mind, then that means you possess a Spirit and not just any Spirit, but the Holy Spirit, the one that leads and guides us in all things. With the Holy Spirit residing in you, allow Him to dictate to you how to protect yourself and play defense against the enemy. Sometimes, defense may be prayer. Defense may be fasting. Defense may be leaving your "friend" alone. Defense may be the need to stop spending money. Defense may be ducking/dodging arguments. Whatever defense the Holy Spirit tells you to play, follow Him and the play He calls so the enemy (the Devil) cannot still your good deposit!

In closing, if the Redskins could have played effective defense against New Orleans, then the Saints would have a loss. However, the Saints' offense found a way to get down the field, score the game-tying TD, and eventually, the game-winning FG. Do not allow the enemy to drive down your field and take away victory from you and the good deposit that God has placed in you! Get into your prevent defense (praying, fasting, reading God's Word, etc.) and stop the enemy dead in his tracks! You can stop the enemy if you listen to your defensive coordinator, the Holy Spirit!

Monday, December 7, 2009

"He Brings Good Things to Light"

Scripture: "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness." -John 12:46, NKJV

As a child growing up, I was always drawn to commercials or companies with catchy slogans or nice commercial development. There was one company who had a catchy slogan and it is one that I have captured in today's topic. The company who came up with the slogan was General Electric or as they are commonly known, GE. Their slogan was "GE, We Bring Good Things to Light". GE wanted you to know that their products would provide light or lighting to your home, office, or anywhere else. If we look at this thing on a spiritual level, there's someone who brings good things to light and that's our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the blessed Holy Spirit. Within today's text, it provides further proof that Jesus brings good things to light and also clarifies what/who these good things are.

Our main scripture for today is found in the Gospel account according to John. As we know, within the New Testament, there are four Gospel accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The first three are known as the Synoptic Gospels. They are coined this way due to the fact they write in a similar fashion and managed to tell the same episodes of Jesus, but with a different twist. John writes his Gospel account, differently from his contemporaries, because he considers Jesus was already here without going through His genealogy. Within this particular chapter of John, it prepares for you for the death of Jesus Christ through His anointing of feet at Bethany, His triumphal entry on a donkey where the crowd yelled out Hosanna, the discussion of the fruitful grain of wheat, and His prediction of His death on the cross. Within this chapter as well, Jesus discusses how we should walk in the light.

As the text begins, Jesus tells us and those who are around that "I have come as a light into the world". In other words, He came to shed some light on the darkness and evil of the world at that time. If we really sit and think about it, Jesus was sitting on His throne in Heaven, watching everything that was going on the Earth and God checked the lineup of great men and women of God to see who could take on the sins of this world. He checked to see who could shed some light on some dark subjects. He checked to see who could turn one's midnight into day. As God looked around, He could not call on Moses, because he hit the rock twice instead of once, therefore, disobeying God. He could not call on Noah, because he was considered a drunk. He could not call on David because he was an adulterer. He could not call on Solomon, because Solomon had a thing with women, 700 wives and 300 concubines. After checking His awesome lineup of men and women, Jesus told His Father that He would come out of the bullpen and save the game, shed some light, and help this world get back on track. When we think about the light, it illuminates, it glows, it shows us things one cannot see in the dark, and in that regard, aren't you glad that Jesus is the light of the world? As the topic stated, He brings good things to light, and what are these things or who does He bring to light?

The text concludes with the answer to this question by stating "that whomever believes in Me should not abide in darkness". In other words, if you have a belief in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then you are the good thing He has brought to light. Jesus wanted you and I out of our respective darkness. The darkness of past hurts, He wants us out of that darkness! The darkness of financial troubles, He wants you out of that darkness! The darkness of marital problems, He wants you out of that darkness! The darkness of health issues, He wants you out of that darkness! He came to shed light on your dark spots, so through Him, you can do something about it! As you are in His light, you are illuminated that His light through you can illuminate others that are in darkness!

In closing, GE may have brought good things to light, but there's no light that shines brighter than Jesus Christ. He's there with you all the time. He visits you every day, as He sends His angels, to touch you with a finger of love, that you may walk in this dark world. The blessing is that you have been illuminated through His light! Aren't you glad about being the good thing that Jesus has brought to light? If you are, then let your light shine before men that your Father in Heaven may get the Glory!

Friday, December 4, 2009

"To Sit High, You Must Pay High"

Scripture: "The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." -Matthew 23:11-12, NIV

During the earlier part of this decade, I hung around a pastor who loved to leave great sacrificial offerings and gifts to churches where he preached. Whenever the Lord laid it on his Spirit, he would say, "I would like to leave this ministry a great seed that can be sown into fertile ground". As he said that, the trustees, the ministers, and the leaders/members of the church, knew how much they had to give apiece. He would ask for those who could to sow an additional $20 outside of the offering you gave earlier. While the leaders and the ministers were getting their money, the pastor would tell the congregation he's visiting that "I tell my leaders that in order to sit high, you must pay high". With this thought, it brings into effect today's topic. In the Kingdom of God, if you want to be considered "great" or to "sit high", there's a price you must pay. Today's text will convey the "price" one musts pay.

Today's main scripture is located in the first Gospel account listed in the New Testament, Matthew. Within this book, we learn about the genealogy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His life, death, burial, and resurrection, the lessons He taught through His parables (earthly story with a heavenly meaning) and acts, how to pray, and other important things for us as Christians today. Within this particular chapter, Jesus discussed the seven woes with His disciples and the crowds who surround Him. Anytime you heard woe in the Bible days, it meant bad news was on the horizon and what you did then was wrong. However, in the midst of these woes, Jesus provides us some meat, some substance that will help us along our journey.

Jesus begins today's thought with this: "The greatest among you will be your servant". What a simple, but yet profound piece of scripture. Many of us see our pastors and renowned preachers who preach God's Word until Heaven itself wants to come down. We often revere these men and women of God because of how beautiful a church looks and how many people attends that church. In order for all of that to occur, the man of God had to work! He had to prove himself to his deacons, his congregation, and anyone else that God was using him to do a greater work. Not only does he preach, he teaches, he visits the sick, he is there when your family member passes, he is there for your successes, and he is there when you fail. With all of this being said, the pastor can be the pastor because he pays a price! The price he pays is working for his congregation in every way they need! The price he pays is sacrificing family time with wife and kids to be with people like us at church! He sacrifices his desires in order to feed our wants! If you want to sit high, then you must be a servant! You cannot be afraid to get down in the muck and the miry and not get your hands dirty! Your greatest blessings come when you serve others!

Jesus completes the text by letting the disciples and the crowds around them know "for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted". As a leader in the Kingdom of God or whatever venue for that matter, it's imperative that you do not think of yourself higher than what you are. God blesses us to get to a point to be a blessing, not to just to sit on our perch and do nothing! That's why Jesus warned them by saying if you exalt yourself, you will be humbled. I have known many a person who was "high on the hog" and high on themselves, but God brought them back to life, and because of that, they are better than they were previously!

On the other hand, if you are humble, then God will exalt you or raise you up. You are looking at a prime example of a man who has put these principles to work. Growing up in the church, I strived to respect my elders, follow God's Word, and support the man of God in whatever form or fashion I could. There were times where I sacrificed me time to serve God, but then again, God's time is all the time! To make a long story short, due to my humility and service to my fellow man, God has raised me up to become a doctor of Mechanical Engineering, a minister of the Gospel, a loving husband, an encourager, and other things. I would never have these things if I did not apply the principle of humility. I would never have these things if I did not take the time to serve others. For those of you who have not reached where you want to be, keep living and keep serving because God has a special blessing with your name on it! Continue to remain loyal to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Continue to serve your fellow man and fellow woman! As you continue to do these things, you will understand the price it took for you to receive your blessings. Even when you receive your blessings, don't sit on your laurels, keep moving and keep serving!

In closing, being considered as a great man/woman of God has a price attached to it. The price attached to it is serving God and His people and to remain humble in the process. The disciples wanted the fame and glory and recognition from Jesus to know they were the greatest. However, they were not as gun ho to get into the work to reach that status. Are you like the disciples who desire the fame and glory and do not want to work or are you like your Savior, who was the greatest among His people, and yet served His people and remained humble in the process?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Protecting the Source"

Scripture: "Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life." -Proverbs 4:23, Holman CSB

Over the past twenty years, the world has evolved technologically. There was a time and a season where it was cool just to have a computer within your library or at your school. Now, we have computers everywhere, at work, at home, at the library, at the airport, and even, our cell phones. Along with this birth and use of computers everywhere, comes another critical aspect: protecting them against viruses. Once a computer has a virus, it is all downhill from there unless you have a computer that has anti-virus software on it. In the same light, as the enemy is our "virus", God is our "anti-virus". Though the enemy may come through with other types of viruses, God has a way of wiping those viruses out. As men and women of God, it's important that we learn how to protect our respective sources. Today's text will reveal what source I am making reference to and why we should protect it.

Just like yesterday, today's main scripture is located in the book of Proverbs. As I mentioned, Proverbs is considered one of the books found in the Poetry Books of the Old Testament. Through the eyes and penmanship of King Solomon, its writer, Proverbs provide worthwhile tidbits in helping you grow in God, but as a person.

As the text begins, King Solomon tells us what it is we should be guarding. Solomon writes, "Guard your heart above all else". If truth were told, we have ALL said or told someone that I am going to give you something that's most precious to me and that's my heart. Many of us today make decisions because of what our hearts say and not what our minds say. Through this age of organic foods and everything else, you can guard your heart by eating right. As you eat right and live right and do what's right, your heart will always be guarded. The Bible makes mention that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". Whatever anger or bitterness is harbored in your heart, it will come out. Whatever feelings you have about something or someone, it will come out. If life gets to you, then it is not only going to get to your mind, but it's going to get to your heart! Now that Solomon has told us to protect our hearts, the final question is why should we protect our hearts?

The text is concluded by Solomon by saying, "for it is the source of life". Brothers and sisters, as you continue to live life, if you have a broken heart, then you are going to have a broken life. If your heart is not healthy, then your life is not healthy. If your heart is not strong, then your life is not as strong. God has given us this body of ours and it's on us, me inclusive, to give it as a "living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service". In other words, in order to have a strong heart, eat the right things and have a steady diet of God, His Word, communing with Him through prayer and conversation. Build your heart with positive conversation and real people, not those who are always negative and wants to sugarcoat things to sooth your itching ear. We are at the stage of the game where God wants real people, real servants, and those who are focused on doing the right things for Him and their bodies and within today's text, their hearts. He has given us the ultimate protection of our hearts in His Son Jesus Christ. Though our hearts have been broken by man and the enemy, God sent Jesus to find the pieces of your heart and mend it back together again. Upon Jesus' return to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to teach you all things and guide you in all things. Because of the Holy Spirit, it will help you to protect your source, which is your heart, because He understands the potency of your heart! If the Holy Spirit can understand the potency of your heart, I encourage you to do likewise and take care of your heart!

In closing, when a computer receive a virus, if it is not protected, then it's going to take a computer tech to straighten it out and provide you with the right anti-virus software. God and yourself serve as the anti-virus software that protects your source, your heart. On today, protect your heart because according to King Solomon, it's the source of life. Do you want your life to continue to be great or to become sickly and dormant? The choice is yours!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"What Happiness Can Do for You"

Scripture: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22, NIV

On yesterday evening, I attended our church's monthly New Members Orientation where the church leaders and administrators introduce themselves to the new members along with the new members introducing themselves to the congregation. During the orientation, my 1st lady, who serves as the Minister of Member Retention at the church, told a story about our pastor's aunt. She asked our pastor's aunt why does she look so good, wearing heels, and ushering at the age of 97? Pastor's aunt answered the question by saying, "I am just happy and I stay that way all the time". From that point on, my first lady stated that she has adopted our pastor's aunt's mentality. I often hear statistics that say that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. If you checked yourself, when was the last time you were really happy? At that time, why were you happy? If truth were told, we should be happy everyday! Because each and every day, we are given an opportunity to live life given to us by the Almighty God! We ought to be happy because we have an opportunity to bless our families and friends with our love! We ought to be happy because we have an opportunity to love and appreciate our God! Just in case you didn’t know, happiness has some value for you. Today's text will provide clarity on what happiness can do for you.

Today's main scripture is located in the book of Proverbs. Proverbs, along with Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, comprise the Poetry books of the Old Testament. The writer of this book, King Solomon, was also responsible for writing Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Through this book of Proverbs, Solomon provides us, as readers, some essential things and mechanisms to live life on a better level. Today's main scripture is no exception to the rule.

Right off the bat, Solomon provides the answer of what happiness can do for you. He tells us that "A cheerful heart is good medicine". Not a deep concept whatsoever. However, it's one that we, as men and women of God, need to grab and run with on a daily basis. As I look back at my family and friends, I can honestly tell when those were genuinely happy and those who were genuinely sad. Those who were genuinely happy were upbeat and hardly ever sick. Those who were genuinely sad were usually sick or complaining about something or someone. Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to maintain happiness on a regular basis. I encourage you to have a cheerful heart and be thankful unto God for the things He has done and the things He is going to do. You ought to carry a smile on your face because every day you are alive, that ought to cause happiness on the inside! Even when dead and dormant situations arise, tell the enemy that the joy of the Lord is your strength! You ought to tell the enemy that no weapon formed against me shall prosper! You ought to tell the enemy that I am going to resist you and therefore you have to flee and leave me alone! As I often hear people say, take your lemons and turn them into lemonade! If that one does not work, do like Bobby McFarin use to sing, don't worry, but be happy!

Solomon also provides the flip side of when you are not happy. He completes today's scripture by saying, "but a crushed spirit dries up the bones". If you live life long enough, you will recognize those who has "a crushed spirit". Those with a crushed spirit are the ones, as I fore stated earlier, are usually sickly, and always have a complaint on their lips. If truth were told, we have all had "crushed spirits" at one time or another. If you are reading this message on today and have a crushed spirit, then my prayer is that the Father return to you the joy that made you happy! I pray that His Spirit will overtake you and turn your midnight into day! I pray that He places a song in your heart that you may sing and give Him praise, honor, and glory, and thus, bring cheerfulness to your heart! As happiness resonate within your Spirit, then good medicine can run through your bones and what had you ill, can make you well!

In closing, my pastor's aunt is a great reason why you should want to be happy. I am happy because God has been good to me! I am happy because He blessed us through His Son Jesus Christ that we may have life and have it more abundantly! Solomon provided us with meat by letting us know the value of happiness and what happens when you are not happy. If you are happy wherever you are, you ought to give God your best and stay that way daily!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Don't Give Him An Inch So He Can Take a Mile"

Scripture: " do not give the devil a foothold." -Ephesians 4:27, NIV & "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; …" -John 10:10, NIV

In one of the best games of the 2009 - 2010 NFL season, the Indianapolis Colts hosted the New England Patriots on Sunday Night Football on NBC at Lucas Oil Stadium. Coming into this game, Indianapolis was undefeated and New England had two losses on their record. As the game was nearing its end, it seemed like that New England had the game in hand. They were up 34 - 28 and they just missed an opportunity to gain a first down at their own 28 yard line. In one of the gutsiest moves I have seen as a football, New England, under their coach, Bill Belechick, decided to go for it on 4th and 2 because he felt that his offense had enough in the tank to get the necessary yardage. Also, Belechick knew if he gave Indianapolis and their QB Peyton Manning that short of a field, they would score the game winning touchdown. Unfortunately, for Belechick and the Patriots, they did not get the first down on 4th and 2, thus leaving Manning and the Colts 29 yards to score the game winning touchdown. As the game went, Manning led the Colts to the game winning score, thus remaining undefeated. Most NFL people would've told Belechick to punt in order to make Indy march 70 yards versus 28 yards. If we look at this thing from a spiritual standpoint, it's vital that we, as men and women of God, do not give the enemy an inch because he will take a mile. Today's scripture further emphasizes this point.

Within today's message, we are blessed to be coming out of two books: the book of Ephesians and the Gospel according to John. Within this particular chapter of Ephesians, the writer, the Apostle Paul, deals with unity within the body of Christ (verses 1 - 16) and living as children of light or as children of God (verses 17 - 32). The first of today's main scriptures is located within the second discussion listed. Within the chapter of John mentioned, Jesus is giving His disciples a discussion about the Shepherd and His flock (verses 1 - 21) and a discussion on the unbelief of the Jews in Him (verses 22 - 42). The second of today's main scriptures is located within the discussion about the Shepherd and His flock.

Paul begins our discussion today with this word of advice: "do not give the devil a foothold". In other words, do not give him an inch. Many of us know this statement to be true from a worldly standpoint. Ever knew of a person or group of people where you leaked out the wrong information and in turn, they embarrassed you? Well, that's because you gave them a little bit of information or as the text refers to it, "a foothold". If truth were told, we all have our "footholds" that the enemy knows about. As men and women of God, it's imperative not to give him that foothold on a silver platter. Why is this critical?

The second scripture provides the answer to why you don't want to give the enemy a foothold. Jesus told His disciples that "the thief (the enemy, the devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy". In other words, the enemy wants to use the inch or "foothold" you give him in order to take his mile (steal, kill, and destroy). Your fear, he wants to make your fear worse. Your inability to step up in key situations, he wants to make you weaker and less useful. Your inability to communicate with your spouse, he wants to make that worse and thus destroy your marriage. Your inability to remedy your financial issues, he wants to clamp you financially where you are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. The blessing is, ladies and gentlemen, is that we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three, in one form or another, will allow you to see what's coming. They will protect you and most importantly, they will WARN you. Brothers and sisters, it's on you and I, to heed their warnings where we can survive and not give the enemy a foothold!

In closing, the Patriots should have won that game. Unfortunately, they gave the Colts a short field and therefore, paid for it. Do not give the enemy a short field and allow him to score the game winning touchdown on you! Know that you have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, leading you and guiding you. Receive the play they are telling you to run so that the devil cannot gain any ground on you or your family!

Monday, November 30, 2009

"What Does Not Kill You Will Make You Greater"

Scripture: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" -2 Corinthians 4:17

Life calls for us to endure some troubling times. It calls for us to endure deaths of loved ones, loss of jobs, pay cuts, ending relationships with men/women that we loved so much, and other things. I am often reminded of a cliché that states "what does not kill you makes you stronger". What we can attest to is the fact that though we have lost jobs, took pay cuts, endured financial hardship, endured emotional hardship, endured other forms of pain, it has made us stronger. Through the pay cuts, those made us smarter stewards of our money. Through the emotional hardships, it allowed us to select our friends and conversation wisely. Through other hardships and pain, it taught us to rely on God on a greater level. Within the same trend of thought of "what does not kill you makes you stronger", the Lord has spoken today's title within my Spirit for each and every one of you: What does not kill you, will make you greater! Today's text will illustrate this topic in greater depth.

Today, our focal book is found in the book of 2 Corinthians. Within this epistle/book, the Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Corinth for a second time. Within this book, Paul discusses the importance of forgiveness, being a generous giver, understanding the importance of being a person in Christ, and other things. Within this particular chapter, Paul discussed the following things: 1) how the apostles labored with great diligence, sincerity, and faithfulness (verses 1 - 7), 2) the apostles' sufferings for the Gospel were great; however, they had great support (verses 8 - 12), and 3) how the prospects of eternal glory should keep believers from not fainting under their troubles (verses 13 - 18). Today's main scripture can be located within the third listed discussion item.

Paul begins the text by stating that our troubles are considered "our light affliction, which is but for a moment". What a deep statement from a man who endured a lot through his time as an apostle and man of God. If truth were told and we think about this thing, what we endure is light, in comparison to the things Christ dealt with. He dealt with being pierced in the side, getting beat down at one judgment hall after another, not being received in his own hometown, being disrespected and challenged by those "in authority" in those days, and other days. Yet, in our day and age, the least little thing that happens to us, we are ready to amp and go off on someone or somebody. If you can receive today's scripture, especially this first part, the things we deal with are of "light affliction" that lasts for a moment. The trouble of a bad child is only for a moment. Not being able to find a job though you have been searching is only for a moment. Being healed from your diseases and you have practiced a solid diet is only for a moment. Obtaining the kind of job where you can provide for you and your family is right there. The trouble within your God-ordained marriage is only for a moment. Whatever your "affliction" is within your life, just know that it is for a moment. Because your affliction is for a moment, it has not killed you. On the other hand, how does this affliction makes you greater?

The text concludes with the answer to your question. Paul finishes the text by saying that our light affliction that's for a moment, "worketh for us a far more exceeding and external weight of glory". Wow! In other words, as we stated in the title, what does not kill you will make you greater. Though that divorce was meant to break you, it made you greater. Though your dysfunctional childhood was meant to break you, it made you greater. Though you have experienced church hurt like none around you, it made you greater. I'm reminded of what David wrote in Psalms 30:5 that "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning". The pain you endure, my brother and my sister, is meant to make you greater and to further establish the Glory of God! Every time you deal with something, just say that it's adding to the Glory of God and the things God has for me! When you carry that mindset, your "afflictions in life" can be viewed as light.

In closing, pain and hardship are two things that are not the easiest to endure. As Paul wrote to the Corinthian church and us on today, he allows us to understand that in reality, our afflictions are "light" and that these afflictions will "work for us a far more exceeding and external weight of glory". Do not allow the pressures of this life to weigh you down because if it does not kill you, it will make you greater!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"The Lifestyle of Thanksgiving"

Scripture: "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." -Psalms 100:4-5, NIV

As we enter into this Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, this was one of the few times where people come together and talk about what they are thankful for. People will mention that they are thankful for their jobs, cars, family, friends, homes, bank accounts, and other things. Being thankful for those things are find and good, but why wait until Thanksgiving to say that you are thankful? Every day is a day of thanksgiving, so it should not be just one day for Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving should be EVERYDAY! In the mists of being thankful for family, cars, jobs, and other things, we, as believers, have learned to be thankful for a God who loves us and cares for us, thankful for our life, health, and strength, thankful that we can worship Him in spirit and in truth, thankful that we can provide for our families and bless others through the abilities God gave us, and other things. Since we are thankful for these things, we ought to portray this thankfulness everywhere we go and every time we can. Today's text provides further clarity on why Thanksgiving should be a lifestyle and not just one day out of 365 days.

Psalms serves as the book of focus on today. As most of us know, Psalms is the longest book not only in the Old Testament, but in the entire Bible. Psalms is divided into 5 books and today's main scripture is located within the third book of the five. Psalms 100 is considered a psalm for giving thanks unto God. If truth were told, we ought to give God praise! We ought to worship Him! We ought to do these things without being stirred or provoked by a deacon or preacher! Many of us get off in praising God because we were stirred to do so! If we think about the goodness of Jesus and all that He has done for us, our souls ought to cry Hallelujah, and thank God for saving us! God wants His people to thank Him and praise Him because He's deserving and worthy!

The writer begins today's main scripture by saying, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise". As I fore stated in the previous paragraph, many of us come into the church house waiting to be stirred or provoked by something the preacher/deacon/trustee or whomever said to get our praise on. But the text tells us otherwise. It tells us that we ought to enter into His gates with thanksgiving and enter His courts with praise. In other words, we should come with thanksgiving and praise as the main agenda of our worship experience! We ought to come thanking and praising God for the little things as well as the big things!

The text continues with saying that not only should we enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, we are to "give thanks to Him and praise His name". King James says "Give thanks unto Him and bless His name". In the mists of coming into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, Thank Him and bless His name! Exalt His name! Worship His name! Give Him a Shabach praise! Give Him a grateful praise! Bless His Holy name! Bless His name for being so good to you! Bless His name for sparing the lives of your children! Bless His name for sparing your life! Bless His name for sparing your job! Bless His name for being able to drive! Just bless His name!

Brother Writer, why should we make thanksgiving a lifestyle? This final piece of scripture should clarify the house and your mind with a bonafied answer. The text concludes by saying, "For the LORD is good and His love (King James says mercy) endures forever; His faithfulness continues (King James says endures) through all generations." Ladies and gentlemen, when you think about God, what He has done in your life is good! How He has protected your life is good! How He loves us beyond measure is good! How He cares about you when you don't care about yourself is good! Even if none of these things popped off in your life, God is still GOOD! Not only is He good, but His mercy endures forever. Think about the time where you should've been fired, it was God's mercy! Think about the time where a disease should've killed you, it was God's mercy! Think about when you should be by yourself and not married, it was God's mercy! Think about how the words of people should have stopped your praise, it was God's mercy! Because of God's mercy, you are here! Because of God's mercy, you ought to make thanksgiving a lifestyle! Just in case that was not good enough, God's faithfulness endures through all generations. When you live life long enough and you get to see generations on top of generations, you ought to be reminded and thank God that though you may not see all of your family's generations, that God will be there for them! His faithfulness will be there for them! He will cover them and love them just like He is doing for you and has done for your parents, grandparents, and those before you!

In closing, be sure to give God praise and thanksgiving everyday and make it a lifestyle, not just on Thanksgiving Day! Though I know practically all of us do it, I encourage you, my brother, and you, my sister, to encourage someone else to make Thanksgiving a lifestyle! Aren't you glad about God's mercy? Aren't you glad that His faithfulness endures through all generations? Aren't you glad that you can give Him thanks and praise? If you are glad about all of these things, before your day ends, take time and give Him a praise!

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain"

Scripture: "At that time the LORD said to Joshua, "Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again." So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth. Now this is why he did so: All those who came out of Egypt—all the men of military age—died in the desert on the way after leaving Egypt. All the people that came out had been circumcised, but all the people born in the desert during the journey from Egypt had not. The Israelites had moved about in the desert forty years until all the men who were of military age when they left Egypt had died, since they had not obeyed the LORD. For the LORD had sworn to them that they would not see the land that he had solemnly promised their fathers to give us, a land flowing with milk and honey. So he raised up their sons in their place, and these were the ones Joshua circumcised. They were still uncircumcised because they had not been circumcised on the way. And after the whole nation had been circumcised, they remained where they were in camp until they were healed. Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the place has been called Gilgal to this day." -Joshua 5:2-9, NIV

As we live this life, we often find that at certain ages of our lives, we tend to add a little weight to our frame. I can attest to this fact because I have put on about 10 pounds within this calendar year. One thing that I strive to do on a weekly basis is to workout. I usually go to our Fitness Center and do weightlifting and/or riding the elliptical trainer in excess up to 50 minutes at a time. Upon completing my workout, there's always a good burn that I feel and the times I haven't worked out in a while, not only there is a good burn, but there's also a good little pain as well. As the old song use to say, "No pain, no pain, no gain!" In this journey we call life and within your walk with God, there are times where we are going to experience short term pain in order to achieve long term gain. Today's text will further illustrate this phenomena of short term pain, long term gain.

Our focal book today is found in the book of Joshua. Joshua is the sixth book of the Old Testament and the first book of the Old Testament's History books. Within this book, we find that leadership has changed with the Israelites from Moses (due to his death in Deuteronomy) to Joshua. God has let Joshua know in so many terms that He had his back and to follow His Word in all decisions and things that Joshua does. Within today's text, we find that the kings around Canaan are afraid of the Israelites due to God's magnificent work of drying up the Jordan that the Israelites may walk. Do you realize when God does something miraculous or special in your life, the enemy is afraid?

As the text continues, God asked Joshua to do something of major importance: to circumcise the Israelites. Within Jewish customs today, circumcision is critical and within the Old Testament days, it was quite important as well. Circumcision, an act of cutting off the foreskin of the baby's penis, occurred eight days after a baby boy's birth. Circumcision tied into the blessing of Abraham through a covenant discussed in Genesis 17. If truth were told and we want to receive the same blessing of Abraham, we need to be circumcised as well. Circumcised how? Circumcised from tattling! Circumcised from gossiping! Circumcised from adultery! Circumcised from fornication! Circumcised from getting angry over little stuff! Circumcised from demeaning your spouses! Circumcised from past issues! Circumcised from financial issues! After receiving those orders from God, Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth (whose name means "hill of foreskins"). Can you imagine the pain these Israelite men felt due to their circumcision? At that moment, these men had the "short term pain". Why did God have Joshua to circumcise these men?

These men were circumcised because their forefathers, who were of military age and was there with Moses, died due to their disobedience of God. Because of their disobedience, God told them that they would never make it to the Promised Land. Aren't you glad that God has given you new mercies every day to make it to your respective Promised Land? As the text continues, these new uncircumcised men had to be circumcised. After these men were circumcised, they stayed in their camp until they healed. Ladies and gentlemen, as God circumcises you from your respective issues, you will need time to heal. You just cannot jump right out there without getting the proper rest and healing necessary. The part of this text that affirms the "long term gain" is found where God tells Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you". In other words, due to Joshua's obedience, God forgave the people and took the mess off of them that they may go and possess the land. Brothers and sisters, when you are circumcised, God is taking away the mess off of you. He's taking away the unnecessary stuff so that you and your family may possess the land He has for you. The land of entrepreneurship, He wants you to go there! The land of healing from the past, He wants you to go there! The land of health, He wants you to go there! The land of wealth, He wants you to go there! He wants the best for you and through circumcision, though it may be a short term pain, it will definitely be a long term gain!

In closing, as I strive to lose my weight that I have gained through the short term of working out and other things, there will be a long term gain from it. Allow God to circumcise you from the things that mean you no good that you may obtain His long term gain for your life. Are you prepared to be circumcised?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"The Word Is Not Going Anywhere"

Scripture: "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." -Isaiah 40:8, NIV

As I write this devotional on today, I am reminded of a friend of mine's marriage. I bring up my friend's marriage because his wife and him are very comical people. One of their running conversations is though no matter what goes on in their lives, the wife always remind my friend that "I am not going anywhere, you are stuck with me for life!" If truth were told, I applaud my friend's marriage and anyone's marriage that can withstand the winds and rains of life. I applaud anyone that can withstand life's storms and still carry a smile. I applaud anyone who has preached the Gospel for a long period of time and not let people destroy the anointing that God has placed on their lives! Within all of this applause, these instances or people are saying that they are not going anywhere! In the Kingdom of God, one thing of importance is not going anywhere either: His Word. How do we know that the Word is not going anywhere? There's an answer for it in today's main scripture.

The book of Isaiah serves as the back drop of today's main scripture. Isaiah, whose name means "Yahweh is salvation", prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of the southern province known as Judah. Scholars say that Isaiah prophesied for about forty-four years. Within this book, Isaiah's central message was for the people of Israel to return back to God and turn from their wicked ways. Within this chapter, Isaiah central's theme is comfort for God's people. Within this theme, Isaiah addresses our morning's topic head on.

The text begins with Isaiah writing, "The grass withers and the flowers fall". As beautiful as green grass as and as beautiful that flowers are, they will with and fall respectively. On the occasion, I will get my wife some roses and though they are beautiful at the beginning, four to six days later, the roses are no longer alive and they begin to fall. Ladies and gentlemen, there are certain aspects of your life that will need to wither and fall. If you have backbiting as a part of you, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have financial issues, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have a disrespect of authority issue, then that needs to wither and fall! if you have eating issues, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have an exercise issue and you know that you need to exercise, that needs to wither and fall! The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12: 1 to "lay aside every weight that so easily beset us". Whatever your "weight" is, ladies and gentlemen, know that it needs to wither and fall!

Though the pretty grass withers and the flowers fall, Isaiah lets us know "but the Word of our God stands forever". In other words, the Word is not going anywhere! Many a book has been written over time, but the #1 seller of all-time is what? The Word! Many great men and women have lived such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Benjamin Banneker, Frederick Douglass, Phyllis Wheatley, and others, but the Word of God is still here! The world has seen many changes, from small populations to huge populations, but the Word of God has been around for all of that! Some of us have lived 30+ years, 40+ years. 50+ years, and longer, but the Word of God has been here forever! Despite whatever you cannot "stand" on, the Word of God stands forever and you can stand on it! Despite what life throws at you, stand on the Word! Because of God's Word and the fact that it won't be going anywhere, it gives us hope, gives us help, and gives us clarity to be the best of everything!

In closing, just as the wife in the couple said that "she is not going anywhere", God's Word is not going anywhere! Though the grass withers and the flowers fall, God's Word will stand the test of time and be there as your outlet, your leaning post, and your way of understanding what God has in store for you and your life! Aren't you glad that the Word is not going anywhere?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"The Value of Sharing Your Faith"

Scripture: "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." -Philemon 1:6, NIV

If you were to reflect upon your childhood, at one time or another, you shared something with someone. Whether it was a sandwich your mother cut into two, a piece of gum from a pack or pieces you carried with you, your basketball with others to play on the basketball, or any other thing, we shared. When we shared those things, it had a way of making a person's day, making a set of games go smoother, allowed you to make friends, having a smoother day, and other things. Within the Kingdom of God, this same principle is key. It's important that we share with our brothers and sisters the things God has done for us. It's important to share that God still sits high on the throne and is able to deliver you from anything! It's also important to share with our brothers and sisters our faith! What do you mean? When you share with people the faith that God has blessed you with, it has a way of blessing them and in turn, igniting their faith. Today's text will provide further clarity on the value of sharing your faith.

Today's scripture is located in the book of Philemon. This book was one of the thirteen New Testament books/epistles written by the Apostle Paul. As a background to this book, the receiver of this book, Philemon, lived in Colossae, was known for having a little wealth, and a convert of the Apostle Paul. Philemon had a slave by the name of Onesimus, who ran away from his master to Rome and was converted to the Christian faith by the Apostle Paul. Due to Onesimus breaking away from his master, he wanted to repair his relationship with Philemon, thus Paul's reason for writing this one chapter book.

Our main scripture begins with Paul making the following statement: "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith". Just as Paul said this to Philemon, I am saying the same to you: I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith! There are some of us who receive Word after Word after Word and God has done some miraculous things in our life, but yet and still, we sit on our stories, we sit on our Word and because of that, the body of Christ cannot grow to the level God wants it to grow! Believers' healings lie within the sharing of your faith! Breakthroughs lie within the sharing of your faith! Repairs of relationships lie within the sharing of your faith! James told us to be "ye doers of the Word and not hearers only" and some of us have heard so much that we are not doing anything with it! Maintain a regiment that will keep you off of your seat of do nothing and share your faith!

What's the value of sharing your faith? The final part of the text provides us the answer. The value of sharing your faith is "so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ". In other words, when you think of the goodness of Jesus and all that He has done for you, your soul ought to cry out Hallelujah, you thank God for saving you! Not only do you thank God for saving you, you thank God for where He has brought you from! By sharing your story with others, it gives you understanding. The more you share your story, the more understanding you receive knowing that everything came from God, and more importantly, it brings God more Glory! I think about the fact that in my youth, I had asthma and when the seasons change, my asthma flared up and as it flared up, inhalers and breathing treatments were a part of my regiment. I thank God that at the age of 12, through my faith in Him, He healed me from it and when I have shared this story with others, it gives them encouragement to know that God can heal them from their disease and in turn, blesses me to know that God is Jehovah Rophe, the God that healeth thee! If truth were told, EVERYONE of you have a story to tell and how your faith has blessed you. As you share, your understanding becomes clearer and God's Glory becomes bigger!

In closing, sharing food and snacks back in the day was a cool thing to do. Today, it's a cooler thing to share with others the faith that God has blessed you with. As you share your faith, you will gain a greater appreciation for the things God has done for you! Never take God's blessings for granted nor the faith He has given you! Don't sit on your faith, share it, and exercise it so that God can get maximum profit from your life to benefit the Kingdom!