Thursday, December 31, 2009

“Possessing Short – Term Memory”

Scripture: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! …” –Isaiah 43:18&19, NIV

One of the biggest things most major athletes possess is a short-term memory. Case in point: I was watching a bowl game this year and I saw the best corner back on one team going against the best wide receiver on the other team. The wide receiver burned the corner back for a touchdown and the crowd went nuts. What do the corner back rely upon? He relied on his short-term memory in order to block the last play behind and continue on with the game. Once he did that, he shut down the wide receiver and the corner back’s team won the bowl game. We, as children of the Almighty God, must possess short – term memory; especially during this time of year. As we transition from one year to another, or in our case, one decade to another, if you do not possess this attribute, then I ask our Heavenly Father on today to bless you with short-term memory in order for you to succeed in 2010. Today’s text provides further clarity on why you should possess short-term memory.

Today’s devotional is set in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the first book of the five Major Prophets within the Old Testament and is the longest book of this group. Within this chapter, we find Isaiah writing to the children of Israel about their only Savior and about God’s mercy and their unfaithfulness. Our main scripture on today is found in the theme dealing with God’s mercy and Israel’s unfaithfulness.

God Himself, with Isaiah as the writer, provides us the rationale behind possessing short – term memory. He starts in verse 18 by saying, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past”. Brothers and sisters, one of our biggest problems that holds us from excelling from one year to the next or from one part of our lives to the other is the fact we hold on to the past. So what you got passed over for a promotion, forget it! So what you had a bad relationship, forget it! So what you did not get the toy you desired for Christmas as a child, forget it! If you live in the past, the future and the present will pass you by! God is a God that’s concerned about your presence and future. He DOES NOT CARE about your past! All He cares is that you come to Him as you are! When you are in His bosom and His arms, He will wipe away the tears! He will comfort you! He will give you what you need to make it from one year to the next! Most importantly, He will help you to be successful! In order for Him to do that, you must not dwell on the past! You have to forget about it and move on!

The beginning of verse 19 provides another reason why you should have short-term memory. The main scripture concludes today by saying, “See, I am doing a new thing!” As we close out 2009, know that God wants to do a new thing in you! He wants to bless you with a new attitude! He wants to bless you with a new set of mercies! He wants to bless you with achieving new goals you have set for yourself! He wants to bless you to make an impact on someone’s life! He wants to bless you to be a new creature, period! He desires that your “old man” dies and your “new man” lives! Don’t you owe that to yourself? Don’t you owe yourself joy in God? Don’t you owe yourself peace in God? Don’t you owe yourself new opportunities to grow in God? Don’t you owe yourself opportunities to be the best you can for yourself and your family? Don’t you owe it to God to be at your best since He’s always at your best? If that’s the case, obtain this short-term memory and forget the former things and stop dwelling on the past!

In closing, Happy New Year and Happy New You! Do not let the old you stop the new you from obtaining God’s blessings in 2010!

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