Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"When God's Word Is Unfolded"

Scripture: "The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." -Psalms 119:130, NIV

As all of us have grown up in one form or another, we have found ourselves in those relationships where we thought that we were in love. Our parents often refer to this kind of love as "puppy love". Our parents would tell us that you don't have a clue what love is. Throughout these relationships, we found ourselves writing letters to our respective "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". As we would write these letters, we would fold them like 1,000 times over where no one could see the contents except for your boyfriend/girlfriend. Upon reception of these letters, one would find his/herself anxious to see what their boyfriend/girlfriend wrote them. Due to this "anxiousness", you would unfold the letter until the complete sheet of paper came into form and you are able to read everything. If truth were told, we have someone who wants to unfold some things to us as well - the Almighty God! He wants to unfold these things to us through His Word. What happens when God's Word is unfolded? Today's text will provide us the answer to this important question.

Our Hump Day today brings us to the longest book in the Bible, Psalms. Psalms has 150 chapters and oddly enough, today's chapter of reference is the physical center of the Bible. The Bible contains 1,188 chapters and the 594th chapter of the Bible is Psalms 119. This particular division/chapter of Psalms is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. Psalms 119 is a poem, specifically an acrostic poem where the verses of each stanza begin with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Within this poem, God provides us clarity to what happens when His Word is unfolded in our lives.

The text begins with the one of the answers of what happens when God's Word is unfolded. The writer says, "The unfolding of Your words give light". If truth were told, we have ALL been in situations where we did not know what to do, how to say things, how to make things happen, and other things. However, when the Word of God is unfolded to you, it brings light. It brings epiphany or revelation to you. I could remember times where I desired for God to bless me with certain things. Through the "light" His Word gave me, He took me to Matthew 21:22 where it says, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Once I applied this Word into my walk, God started moving and the things I desired came to pass. I do not know the things you may desire or the things you want, but God's Word will shed some "light" to your dark subject when His Word is opened or unfolded!

Not only does God's Word provide light when it's unfolded, but it also "gives understanding to the simple". The English Standard Version says, "imparts understanding to the simple". When God's Word is unfolded to the simple or those who may not know Him like that, it provides or imparts understanding to that individual. One of the greatest things I have learned from Ministry and teaching is that in order to understand God's Word, get you a good Study Bible or two, but most importantly tap into the power of God and ask Him to help you understand His Word. When you get into it and you're primed and ready to read and absorb, He will provide understanding.

In closing, as we were excited to unfold the letter(s) written by our sweethearts, we ought to be just as excited to unfold God's Word. When we unfold God's Word, it will provide you light and provide understanding to the simple and our simple situations. Are you going to continuously stay in the dark or are you going to unfold God's Word and receive the light you need for your situations?

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