Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"What Happiness Can Do for You"

Scripture: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22, NIV

On yesterday evening, I attended our church's monthly New Members Orientation where the church leaders and administrators introduce themselves to the new members along with the new members introducing themselves to the congregation. During the orientation, my 1st lady, who serves as the Minister of Member Retention at the church, told a story about our pastor's aunt. She asked our pastor's aunt why does she look so good, wearing heels, and ushering at the age of 97? Pastor's aunt answered the question by saying, "I am just happy and I stay that way all the time". From that point on, my first lady stated that she has adopted our pastor's aunt's mentality. I often hear statistics that say that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. If you checked yourself, when was the last time you were really happy? At that time, why were you happy? If truth were told, we should be happy everyday! Because each and every day, we are given an opportunity to live life given to us by the Almighty God! We ought to be happy because we have an opportunity to bless our families and friends with our love! We ought to be happy because we have an opportunity to love and appreciate our God! Just in case you didn’t know, happiness has some value for you. Today's text will provide clarity on what happiness can do for you.

Today's main scripture is located in the book of Proverbs. Proverbs, along with Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, comprise the Poetry books of the Old Testament. The writer of this book, King Solomon, was also responsible for writing Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Through this book of Proverbs, Solomon provides us, as readers, some essential things and mechanisms to live life on a better level. Today's main scripture is no exception to the rule.

Right off the bat, Solomon provides the answer of what happiness can do for you. He tells us that "A cheerful heart is good medicine". Not a deep concept whatsoever. However, it's one that we, as men and women of God, need to grab and run with on a daily basis. As I look back at my family and friends, I can honestly tell when those were genuinely happy and those who were genuinely sad. Those who were genuinely happy were upbeat and hardly ever sick. Those who were genuinely sad were usually sick or complaining about something or someone. Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to maintain happiness on a regular basis. I encourage you to have a cheerful heart and be thankful unto God for the things He has done and the things He is going to do. You ought to carry a smile on your face because every day you are alive, that ought to cause happiness on the inside! Even when dead and dormant situations arise, tell the enemy that the joy of the Lord is your strength! You ought to tell the enemy that no weapon formed against me shall prosper! You ought to tell the enemy that I am going to resist you and therefore you have to flee and leave me alone! As I often hear people say, take your lemons and turn them into lemonade! If that one does not work, do like Bobby McFarin use to sing, don't worry, but be happy!

Solomon also provides the flip side of when you are not happy. He completes today's scripture by saying, "but a crushed spirit dries up the bones". If you live life long enough, you will recognize those who has "a crushed spirit". Those with a crushed spirit are the ones, as I fore stated earlier, are usually sickly, and always have a complaint on their lips. If truth were told, we have all had "crushed spirits" at one time or another. If you are reading this message on today and have a crushed spirit, then my prayer is that the Father return to you the joy that made you happy! I pray that His Spirit will overtake you and turn your midnight into day! I pray that He places a song in your heart that you may sing and give Him praise, honor, and glory, and thus, bring cheerfulness to your heart! As happiness resonate within your Spirit, then good medicine can run through your bones and what had you ill, can make you well!

In closing, my pastor's aunt is a great reason why you should want to be happy. I am happy because God has been good to me! I am happy because He blessed us through His Son Jesus Christ that we may have life and have it more abundantly! Solomon provided us with meat by letting us know the value of happiness and what happens when you are not happy. If you are happy wherever you are, you ought to give God your best and stay that way daily!

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