Friday, December 18, 2009

"Your Mess Is Where God Wants to Manifest"

Scripture: "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." -John 9:1-3

One of the most powerful things I have seen was something I saw on YouTube on last evening. This took place at "The River" in Durham, North Carolina under the pastorship of Pastor Sheryl Brady. There was a young lady who had an eight-month old little girl who has been in a coma since she was two months old. The mother of this little girl decided to take her away from the hospital and bring her to church, believing that God can deliver her baby. At the church, they brought the mother and her little girl to Pastor Brady. Pastor Brady invoked the presence of God through that place through prayer and praying in the Holy Spirit. Twenty-three minutes later, after prayer, worship, and praise throughout The River, the little girl opened her eyes and opened her mouth. You can see this miracle by going to YouTube and typing in "Christmas Miracle at the River". I tell this story because this little girl was messed up, but because of the faith of her mother, this was a grand opportunity for God to manifest! Don't you realize on today that though we are messes in the eyesight of God, He still wants to manifest His blessings within us? Let's examine today's text and gain further clarity.

Today's devotional has led us to the Gospel account according to John. As John pens this book, he writes with the passion and delivery that Jesus is Logos or "the Word". Through his book, John does not go through the genealogy of Christ, but establishes Him like God was established in Genesis. Within this chapter, Chapter 9, John records Jesus healing a blind man from birth (today's focus story), how the Pharisees investigated the healing, and discussed spiritual blindness.

The text begins with Jesus walking and recognizes a man which was blind from birth. Many of us have something going on with us from birth, whether if it's a physical sickness, an emotional sickness, or a mental sickness, we all have something! Even if you were not born with any sickness within you, as you have grown up and lived life, sickness has intruded your body in one form or another, therefore, making you and I a mess!

The text continues, in verse 2, where the disciples asked Jesus, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" One thing, brothers and sisters, that is critical is that the circumstances of how you and I got to being sick or being the way we are matters not! At the end of the day, are we man enough or woman enough to believe God for healing and deliverance? Are we man enough or woman enough to have faith in God to cure us of our sicknesses?

Verse 3 concludes this awesome story where Jesus tells the disciples "Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in Him". I bless God that though I had asthma and bronchitis, God saw fit to manifest His healing blessings in me! Though some of you have been born or you have been infected with financial issues, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! Though some of you may not have the strongest emotions, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! Though you may be single or in a marriage/relationship where you are not happy, God still wants to manifest His blessings in you! It's because you are in a mess where God wants to bless! Do you realize that at your weakest point is where God obtains greatest strength? Something I heard a preacher say this year was that "If it's the Lord's will, then it's God bill!" If it's the Lord's will for you to be healed, then He will take the tab for it! If it's the Lord's will for you to be married and not alone, then He will work on sending your mate or helping you find your mate! If it's the Lord's will for you to be healed, then He will send His healing virtue! God wants to be your Superman and help you make it through!

In closing, I was in utter shock as I saw this beautiful baby wake up after six months of being in a coma. Just like that baby, we all suffer from sickness or being "messed up". Also, like the baby, God wants to move in your situation and manifest Himself in you! As He manifest Himself in you, He will get the Glory out of your story!

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