Thursday, December 10, 2009

"The Power of Being Connected"

Scripture: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." -John 15:5, NIV

As a young preacher in the Gospel, I have learned about today's topic via first-hand experience. I have seen preachers get the opportunity to preach in places they never expected to and that's due to their connection with their pastor. If your pastor is well respected, then you are going to be thought of in high regards because you sit under him. Nine times out of ten, if a pastor say that one of his preachers is good to another pastor, then the other pastor agrees and allows the preacher to preach at his church. Another arena where connection is key is the workplace. We oftentimes are searching for the next move up the food chain. As the old cliché says, "It's not what you know, but who you know". As you get to know the higher ups within your company/agency, they in turn can put in good words for you, thus leading you to a greater job in the future. Of course there are other arenas where connection is vital such as school and society in general, but there's no greater connection than that of your connection with the Almighty God. Today's text will emphasize the power of being connected to God.

Today, our devotional journey leads us back to the Gospel account according to John. On this past Monday, we talked from the thought "He Brings Good Things to Light" from the 12th chapter of this book. Within that particular devotional, we dealt with how Jesus came as a light to the darkness we know as this world. As He came to this world, He provided His light, thus helping you and I get out of our darkness! Isn't it a blessing to be able to see and get out of your darkness? Isn't it a blessing to have light shedded on you so you can see what's really wrong with you? Isn't it a blessing that no matter what is wrong with you that Jesus Himself came and saw you? Well, in today's devotional, and within today's focus chapter, Chapter 15, Jesus talks from two major subjects: the vine and the branches and that the world hates the Disciples. Within our journey on today, our main scripture falls in the category of the Vine and the branches.

Jesus, from the get go, establishes who is who when it comes to the Vine and the branches. He says that "I am the Vine, you are the branches." In other words, we, as His children, branch off from Christ. Before we came about, there was the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Upon their discussion, here we came to have dominion over this Earth and name everything that crawls, flies, and have breath on Earth (Genesis 1). Also, because the Trinity created us, we fall under their authority! We are to obey what they tell us to do! We are to follow God and His Word! We are to pray to Him daily and talk with Him and sup with Him, thus building our respective connections! If you remember on yesterday, we talked from the thought "The Importance of Conversation" and if you communicate with God and call on His name, He will answer and provide you insight on things you cannot believe or have seen! Isn't it a blessing to serve a God like that? Isn't it a blessing to connect to a God like that?

Jesus completes the text in really helping us understand the power of being connected to Him. He concludes the text by saying, "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing". Wow! What a harsh, but yet real reality! Marvin Sapp was telling each and everyone the truth when he sang the song "Never Would've Made It" because none of us would have made it without God! We never would have made it without His grace! We never would have made it without His mercy! We never would have made it without His love! If we remain connected to Him, there's a blessing for you. You will bear much fruit. Not a little bit of fruit, not just some fruit, but MUCH fruit! If truth were told, I see great examples of much fruit on a daily basis and you all see great examples of great fruit and if you think about it, you know it because God allowed you to bear much fruit! No matter how mad God makes you, stay connected! No matter how you think life is unfair, stay connected! No matter how bad finances get, stay connected! Anything you do, stay connected because if you do, there's much fruit that you will bear! Paul says, "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not". In other words, do not give up and hold on to your connection! However, if you want to be big and bad and leave God alone, then there's a penalty for that. Jesus Himself tells us "apart from me you can do nothing". At the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, decide what's best: staying connected to Christ or losing your connection! I know what my choice would be!

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