Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"The Blessing of Possessing God's DNA"

Scripture: "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. …" -1 John 5:4, NIV

Many of us are proud, to some extent, of the family we were birthed into. Granted, we may have a "drunk uncle" or an aunt who talks too much or a relative who knows everything, but at the end of the day, these people make up your family. Due to being a part of this family, we carry some of the same genetic material or DNA. This DNA dictates characteristics such as hair color, eye color, skin pigmentation, and the list goes on and on. In addition, we have or had family members who were natural leaders, born fighters, naturally gifted in certain subject areas, and other things and these characteristics are a part of our DNA as well. Some people will say that you are a fighter and you will say that "it's in my DNA or it's in the genes". It's wonderful to possess your family's DNA, but it's a greater blessing to possess God's DNA. How are we blessed to possess God's DNA? Today's text will provide us clarity in this area.

Our main scripture for today can be found in 1 John. This book, along with 2 and 3 John, are the books before the Bible ends with Jude and Revelation in the New Testament. One of the purposes of this particular book, according to scholars, is to excite real Christians to communion with God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to maintain a true faith in Him, and to live life as pure as you can. Within this final chapter of 1 John, the author has concluding remarks and deals with having faith in Jesus Christ.

With all of this good stuff established, how are we blessed by possessing God's DNA? The text answers this question in the (a) clause of this text. We are blessed because the text says, "for everyone born of God overcomes the world". What a profound announcement to carry with you into 2010! As men and women of God, we get into the "woe is me" talk about things. When our bills begin to stack up, we begin to "woe is me". When our children begin to act up, we continue with the "woe is me". When our marriages take a bump in the road, we continue with the "woe is me". When your boss begins to act up at the job, you have the "woe is me" attitude. Enough of the "woe is me"! Enough of thinking you cannot survive the bumps in your marriage or relationship! Enough of thinking you will not see your child doing right again! Enough of thinking you cannot pay your bills! Because you possess God's DNA, you are an OVERCOMER of the world!

Think about it for one second, the pains you have suffered in life. How did you overcome? Through Jesus Christ! How did you overcome the hurts of people dogging you out? Through Jesus Christ! How did you overcome not working over a period of time? Through Jesus Christ! How did you survive the wounds of your childhood? Through Jesus Christ! When you are born of God (receive Him as your Savior), you are giving some awesome DNA! You are giving the DNA to overcome! You are giving the DNA to defeat the enemy! You are giving the DNA to become great! You are giving the DNA to make your name great and further establish the blessing of Abraham in your life!

In closing, our DNA from our family brings out the best in us and at times, the worst in us. When we are born of God, we have the DNA to overcome! We have the DNA to fight! We have the DNA to war with our Word, our prayers, and our mouths! I encourage you, my brother and my sister, as you enter into 2010, DO NOT allow life to overwhelm you because you possess God's DNA! Within God's DNA, you have the ability to overcome and make it! You are a winner and not a loser! You are the head and NOT the tail!

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