Monday, November 30, 2009

"What Does Not Kill You Will Make You Greater"

Scripture: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" -2 Corinthians 4:17

Life calls for us to endure some troubling times. It calls for us to endure deaths of loved ones, loss of jobs, pay cuts, ending relationships with men/women that we loved so much, and other things. I am often reminded of a cliché that states "what does not kill you makes you stronger". What we can attest to is the fact that though we have lost jobs, took pay cuts, endured financial hardship, endured emotional hardship, endured other forms of pain, it has made us stronger. Through the pay cuts, those made us smarter stewards of our money. Through the emotional hardships, it allowed us to select our friends and conversation wisely. Through other hardships and pain, it taught us to rely on God on a greater level. Within the same trend of thought of "what does not kill you makes you stronger", the Lord has spoken today's title within my Spirit for each and every one of you: What does not kill you, will make you greater! Today's text will illustrate this topic in greater depth.

Today, our focal book is found in the book of 2 Corinthians. Within this epistle/book, the Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Corinth for a second time. Within this book, Paul discusses the importance of forgiveness, being a generous giver, understanding the importance of being a person in Christ, and other things. Within this particular chapter, Paul discussed the following things: 1) how the apostles labored with great diligence, sincerity, and faithfulness (verses 1 - 7), 2) the apostles' sufferings for the Gospel were great; however, they had great support (verses 8 - 12), and 3) how the prospects of eternal glory should keep believers from not fainting under their troubles (verses 13 - 18). Today's main scripture can be located within the third listed discussion item.

Paul begins the text by stating that our troubles are considered "our light affliction, which is but for a moment". What a deep statement from a man who endured a lot through his time as an apostle and man of God. If truth were told and we think about this thing, what we endure is light, in comparison to the things Christ dealt with. He dealt with being pierced in the side, getting beat down at one judgment hall after another, not being received in his own hometown, being disrespected and challenged by those "in authority" in those days, and other days. Yet, in our day and age, the least little thing that happens to us, we are ready to amp and go off on someone or somebody. If you can receive today's scripture, especially this first part, the things we deal with are of "light affliction" that lasts for a moment. The trouble of a bad child is only for a moment. Not being able to find a job though you have been searching is only for a moment. Being healed from your diseases and you have practiced a solid diet is only for a moment. Obtaining the kind of job where you can provide for you and your family is right there. The trouble within your God-ordained marriage is only for a moment. Whatever your "affliction" is within your life, just know that it is for a moment. Because your affliction is for a moment, it has not killed you. On the other hand, how does this affliction makes you greater?

The text concludes with the answer to your question. Paul finishes the text by saying that our light affliction that's for a moment, "worketh for us a far more exceeding and external weight of glory". Wow! In other words, as we stated in the title, what does not kill you will make you greater. Though that divorce was meant to break you, it made you greater. Though your dysfunctional childhood was meant to break you, it made you greater. Though you have experienced church hurt like none around you, it made you greater. I'm reminded of what David wrote in Psalms 30:5 that "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning". The pain you endure, my brother and my sister, is meant to make you greater and to further establish the Glory of God! Every time you deal with something, just say that it's adding to the Glory of God and the things God has for me! When you carry that mindset, your "afflictions in life" can be viewed as light.

In closing, pain and hardship are two things that are not the easiest to endure. As Paul wrote to the Corinthian church and us on today, he allows us to understand that in reality, our afflictions are "light" and that these afflictions will "work for us a far more exceeding and external weight of glory". Do not allow the pressures of this life to weigh you down because if it does not kill you, it will make you greater!

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