Friday, November 6, 2009

"Don't Be Tardy for The Party"

Scripture: "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. "At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!' "Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.' "'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.' "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut."
-Matthew 25:1 - 10, NIV
For those of you who do not watch Bravo TV, there has been a series of shows that has been running over the past few years entitled "The Real Housewives". Within this series, the empire of the Real Housewives has expanded from Orange County to New York to New Jersey and Atlanta. The Real Housewives of Atlanta has been by far the most watched of the Real Housewives series. During this second season, Kim Zolciak, along with the newest housewife, Kandi from XScape, did a track that has gained much play and notoriety entitled "Don't Be Tardy for the Party". This song originally was written by a country singer, but Kandi put a club and urban spin on it to "make it hot". The lyrics of the song talk about getting ready to hang out and enjoy life after a long week at the workplace, but just do not be tardy for the party (smile). If truth were told, we (me inclusive) always make it our business to be on time for work, but for some reason or another, is tardy for the Lord's party known as church on Sunday mornings! Within today's text, we will understand why it's crucial not to be tardy for God's party.

This week's set of devotionals concludes with the main text being found in the Gospel account according to Matthew. Within Matthew's account, we learn about Jesus' ancestry, His battle with Satan in the wilderness for 40 days, the beginning of the 12 Disciples, understanding Christ through parables (an earthly story with a heavenly meeting), His set of betrayals, His death, His resurrection, and other things. Within this twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew, we find Christ speaking this entire chapter through parables including the parable of the talents, parable of the sheep and goats, and the parable of the ten virgins (today's main scripture).

Within the text, we are told that there are ten virgins, five that were foolish and five that were wise. With these virgins, they each had a lamp and supposed to have had oil to trim their lamps. These virgins were awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom who has been on his way for a long time. If truth were told, this parable correlates very well with this world today. It correlates because God has given us all, whether if you are the wise virgin or the foolish virgin, an opportunity to get ourselves together before His return ( the bridegroom). As we continue to read the text, we notice that the wise virgins had oil ready for their lamps, while the foolish did not have any oil and eventually wanted the wise to share their oil for their lamps. In this day and age, ladies and gentlemen, it's critical to watch who you give your "oil" to because they may not appreciate it. Christ told us in the Word to "not cast thy pearls unto swine" and this was the thought process these wise virgins had. When the day was all said and done, all ten of the virgins went to sleep.

How does today's title tie into the text? It ties in when "the bridegroom came". Upon his arrival, the ten began to trim their lamps. However, the foolish five asked the wise five for some of their oil because their lamps were going out. Then the wise ones being wise told the foolish ones, "No". Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes down to the eventual arrival of Jesus, you are going to have to tell the foolish backbiting spirit No! You are going to have to tell the foolish angry spirit No! You are going to have to tell the foolish divorce spirit No! You are going to have to tell the foolish fornication spirit No! You are going to have to tell the foolish depression spirit No! You are going to have to tell the foolish suicide spirit No! Make your no's no! Because they did not have their oil, the foolish went to buy their oil, and as they went, the bridegroom came, swept up the virgins and took them to the banquet hall, and the door was shut. My brothers and sisters, in order to not be tardy for God's party, it's critical to get your respective houses in order and have enough "oil" for your lamp when He returns. God is not looking for perfection, but He is looking for people to strive towards perfection! He is looking for us to serve His people within His Kingdom, and He's looking for people that will serve Him in spirit and in truth.

In closing, the song "Don't Be Tardy for the Party" is a catchy tune and it will make you want to have fun, bob your head, and other things, but it has a real world meaning. As the wise five virgins, they had enough oil and were prepared for the bridegroom. Let's get ready for our bridegroom, Jesus, because He is soon to come! He's coming sooner than we think!

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