Monday, November 9, 2009

"I Have Got to Have It"

Scripture: "The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the LORD blessed him and his entire household. Now King David was told, "The LORD has blessed the household of Obed-Edom and everything he has, because of the ark of God." So David went down and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with rejoicing." -2 Samuel 6:11 - 12, NIV
For my shoppers in the Family, there are times where we have seen something on TV or have saw someone with an item and said to ourselves, "I have got to have it". For my ladies, there have been times where you saw another woman with a bad dress or a nice pocketbook or bad set of heels and you said, "I have got to have it". For my men, we have seen the suits one may wear or the newest electronics like a flat screen TV, Nintendo Wii, XBox360, Blu-ray player, etc. and said to ourselves, "I have got to have it". When it comes to the Kingdom of God, God wants you and I to have this same Spirit for Him and the things He has willed for your life. He wants you to have "it" whether "it" is your happiness, your degree from college, your own business, your own non-profit organization, your joy, your wealth, your good health, your sanity, etc. He wants you to have "it". Today's text shows us an example of a man who had to have it.

The setting of today's devotional takes place in the book of 2 Samuel. This book, along with 1 Samuel, discusses the birth and death of Samuel, the reigns of King Saul and King David, and the events of David's life before becoming king and afterwards. In the previous chapter, David becomes king over all of Israel, after serving seven and a half years as king of Judah. After assuming Israel's throne, David conquered Jerusalem and defeated his trusted rivals, the Philistines. As we enter into the sixth chapter, David and his people were praising the Lord and along with that, the Ark of the Covenant (indicative of God's presence) was brought into the city. As they brought the Ark into the city, Uzzah, one of David's men, touched the Ark and died right there on the spot. In those days, it was sacred for priests to carry the Ark and that the Ark itself was not to be touched. Because of Uzzah's death, David did not want to take the Ark with him, thus leading us into today's main scripture.

Since the Ark of the Covenant did not go with David, he took to a man's home by the name of Obed-Edom who was a Gittite. While the Ark was in his presence, God was in his presence and blessed him and his household. Do you realize that when you are a child of God, not only will He bless you, but He will bless your entire household? Do you realize that you don't have to cry about your children if you are serving Him in the right Spirit and that His presence is with you? These blessings flowed from God into Obed-Edom's house for three months, the duration of time the Ark resided there. Anytime you are ready to receive the blessings of God, just get into His presence and He will be ready to pour into you!

As the text continues, we find that King David was told what was going down in Obed-Edom's home. The text says that, "The Lord has blessed the household of Obed-Edom and everything he has, because of the ark of God". It's funny to me that David did not trust God from the get go, given everything God had for him. This was the same God that allowed him to defeat Goliath. This is the same God that allowed him to plea being insane to protect his life around the Philistines. This was the same God who allowed him to step into kingsmanship at the age of 25. Yet and still, he was afraid. There are times where we know God has blessed us with the job we did not deserve, the love of a good man or woman, the ability to conceive and have children, the ability to bring meat into His house through tithes and offering, to bless those who are less fortunate than we are, but when He asks us to do something or step out, we get afraid. Remember, brothers, and sisters, what Paul wrote to Timothy that God did not give you or I a spirit of fear! What does David do now that he has heard that God has blessed Obed-Edom and his home?

David possessed the "I have got to have it" attitude and went to Obed-Edom's house to get the Ark of the Covenant to bring into Jerusalem! As he went to get the Ark of the Covenant, he did it with rejoicing and thanking God! Ladies and gentlemen, in this season of your life, God wants you to have the best! God does not want you nor your family to struggle! God wants you to step out and do the bigger and better things He has placed in your heart and soul! God wants you, my brother, and you, my sister, to possess the "I have got to have it" attitude. When you possess that attitude, there's NOTHING you cannot achieve! The home you desire with your name on it, with God, you can have it! The business of your dreams exercising your God-given talents, you can have it! The man/woman you desire to complete you, you can have it! Finances to take care of you and your family, you can have it! Good health to live to see your grandchildren and their children, you can have it! There's NO GOOD thing that God will withhold from you, but you have to show Him that you have got to have it!

In closing, it's sweet to want the designer pocketbooks, high heels, flat screen TV's, top of the line cars, and other things. There's nothing like having God in your life and His presence circulating through you and your household. When David left the Ark of the Covenant at Obed-Edom's home, God blessed him! When he heard about the things God did for Obed-Edom, he had to have it! Many of us listen to the stories of successful people and say, "I wish I could have what they have". God is saying to you today, YOU CAN! My encouragement to you on today is to go get what God has for you and let no one and nothing stop you!

1 comment:

  1. Mailman: He wants you to have "it" whether "it" is your happiness, your degree from college, your own business, your own non-profit organization, your joy, your wealth, your good health, your sanity, etc. He wants you to have "it".

    Me: This is so true many have fallen for the spirit of lust (covetousness) not realizing that we are King kids and we havea right to benefit that in which God has for each one of us. But we must do what it takes to receive these things we so long for. And as you mentioned David witnessing how the other was blessed it gave him much more courage to go and conqueror the ark.

    Mailman: Many of us listen to the stories of successful people and say, "I wish I could have what they have". God is saying to you today, YOU CAN! My encouragement to you on today is to go get what God has for you and let no one and nothing stop you!

    Me: Thanks for sharing this because most of the time it's self that's stop us from gaining what God has for us...due to Fear but we must know God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (parapharased) blessed
