Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"The Word Is Not Going Anywhere"

Scripture: "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." -Isaiah 40:8, NIV

As I write this devotional on today, I am reminded of a friend of mine's marriage. I bring up my friend's marriage because his wife and him are very comical people. One of their running conversations is though no matter what goes on in their lives, the wife always remind my friend that "I am not going anywhere, you are stuck with me for life!" If truth were told, I applaud my friend's marriage and anyone's marriage that can withstand the winds and rains of life. I applaud anyone that can withstand life's storms and still carry a smile. I applaud anyone who has preached the Gospel for a long period of time and not let people destroy the anointing that God has placed on their lives! Within all of this applause, these instances or people are saying that they are not going anywhere! In the Kingdom of God, one thing of importance is not going anywhere either: His Word. How do we know that the Word is not going anywhere? There's an answer for it in today's main scripture.

The book of Isaiah serves as the back drop of today's main scripture. Isaiah, whose name means "Yahweh is salvation", prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of the southern province known as Judah. Scholars say that Isaiah prophesied for about forty-four years. Within this book, Isaiah's central message was for the people of Israel to return back to God and turn from their wicked ways. Within this chapter, Isaiah central's theme is comfort for God's people. Within this theme, Isaiah addresses our morning's topic head on.

The text begins with Isaiah writing, "The grass withers and the flowers fall". As beautiful as green grass as and as beautiful that flowers are, they will with and fall respectively. On the occasion, I will get my wife some roses and though they are beautiful at the beginning, four to six days later, the roses are no longer alive and they begin to fall. Ladies and gentlemen, there are certain aspects of your life that will need to wither and fall. If you have backbiting as a part of you, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have financial issues, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have a disrespect of authority issue, then that needs to wither and fall! if you have eating issues, then that needs to wither and fall! If you have an exercise issue and you know that you need to exercise, that needs to wither and fall! The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12: 1 to "lay aside every weight that so easily beset us". Whatever your "weight" is, ladies and gentlemen, know that it needs to wither and fall!

Though the pretty grass withers and the flowers fall, Isaiah lets us know "but the Word of our God stands forever". In other words, the Word is not going anywhere! Many a book has been written over time, but the #1 seller of all-time is what? The Word! Many great men and women have lived such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Benjamin Banneker, Frederick Douglass, Phyllis Wheatley, and others, but the Word of God is still here! The world has seen many changes, from small populations to huge populations, but the Word of God has been around for all of that! Some of us have lived 30+ years, 40+ years. 50+ years, and longer, but the Word of God has been here forever! Despite whatever you cannot "stand" on, the Word of God stands forever and you can stand on it! Despite what life throws at you, stand on the Word! Because of God's Word and the fact that it won't be going anywhere, it gives us hope, gives us help, and gives us clarity to be the best of everything!

In closing, just as the wife in the couple said that "she is not going anywhere", God's Word is not going anywhere! Though the grass withers and the flowers fall, God's Word will stand the test of time and be there as your outlet, your leaning post, and your way of understanding what God has in store for you and your life! Aren't you glad that the Word is not going anywhere?

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