Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Someone with All the Answers to Your Questions"

Scripture: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." -Jeremiah 33:3, NIV

Many of us, at one time or another, have given presentations to a group. The group may be distinguished people within your field, your management group/chain at your workplace, or people you are trying to convince about something. Upon completion of those presentations, you often open up a "Q&A" session or question and answer period. It's within those moments where your audience comes at you from all directions. There are times where the audience has asked you questions and your response has been "I'll get back with you on that". There are other times where you can nail the question because it's simple in nature. Then, there are times where the question forces you to say, "I did not think about it, but I will investigate that the next time". Within the realm of the spiritual world, we often wear out our ministers, our deacons, our trustees, our big mamas, our papas, our pastors, and anyone that has a knowledge of the Word and worldly experiences with our questions. Today, I submit to you, someone who has all the answers to your questions. Today's text will provide a firm answer.

Today's focal book is the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah is the second longest book (52 chapters) in the Major Prophets division of the Old Testament, behind Isaiah (66 chapters). Its author and namesake, Jeremiah, also wrote the book of Lamentations (which means "funeral songs"). Within this book, God allowed Jeremiah to understand that He was called from His mother's belly (Jeremiah 1) and He knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29). Jeremiah, at this time, dealt with the hard-headedness of his people, but God gave Him the courage to step up, "man up" and do what thus saith the Lord. Within the chapter of focus, chapter 33, Jeremiah is writing about the promise of restoration. Within this discussion of the promise of restoration is where we find out about the someone with all the answers to your questions.

Jeremiah begins by writing, "Call to me and I will answer you". Who is the me being referenced here? The me is our Heavenly Father. Jesus gives us these words as well through Matthew when He says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you". In other words, He also knew the one who had all the answers to your questions. When it comes down to marital issues, seek God! When it comes to financial issues, ask God! When it comes to trust issues, seek God! When it comes down to you wanting to break a fast or an agreement of some kind, ask God! If truth were told, we can ALL say that at one point or another, when we asked God about something, He did answer!

This text concludes with Jeremiah writing, "and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". Not only will He provide you with the answers to your questions, but He will tell you great and unsearchable things you did not know! Isn't that a powerful thing to know? I can recall a season in my life where at any moment, I would feel a sudden twinge of pain or "what's going on in my mind", I would immediately pray. As I prayed and found out later on, it was someone back home who was going through. As they were going through, God was blessing them to make it through. Ladies and gentlemen, there will come/has already come a season within your life where God will minister to you great and unsearchable things you did not know! He will minister to you about the greater calling He has on your life! He will minister to you about the turnaround in your finances! He will minister to you about the storm passing you over in your life! He will minister to you when it is time to leave someone alone! He will minister to you when it is time for you to keep your mouth closed and pray about a matter! He will give you clarity and understanding if you just ask!

In closing, many of us have had to or tried to provide answers to some very tough questions. Oftentimes, we will have the answer readily available and then there are times where we cannot find the answer. I am glad today to know that God is the man with all the answers to your questions. If you really want to know what's what in your life, ask the Father and just be prepared for the answer(s) He will give you!

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