Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"I Cannot Function Without You"

Scripture: "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."-Ephesians 4:16, NIV

One of the greatest cliches I have picked up within my lifetime says, "There's no I in team". I love this cliche because it emphasizes the need for individuals to come together, unite, and fight for a common cause. One place where you can find this thought process to be prevalent is in the sport of football. Most of us are amazed at how teams such as the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts score with so much efficiency and ease. These offenses can do that because they are getting their 11 men, from quarterback to running back, on one page, with a set of plays where they can protect the quarterback where he can throw the ball, provide blocks for the running backs and receivers, and hold back the defensive pressure striving to sack the QB or hit the receivers or hit the person with the ball! At the end of the day, because of team unity, these teams are successful, thus giving their teams the chance to win on any given Sunday. Guess who else should adopt this team mentality? You guessed it, we, as Christians, and the body of Christ! Today's scripture provides further clarity why you cannot function without me and I cannot function without you.

Today's main scripture is located in the epistle written by Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus. This book was written around the time of 60 - 61 A.D. Paul's purpose for writing this book was to encourage and strengthen the church there at Ephesus since he could not be there with them. Within this chapter, Chapter 4, Paul deals with two key subjects: unity in the body of Christ and living as children of light. Within the section dealing with unity in the body of Christ, our main scripture is found, thus setting up the premise for today's title.

The text begins with Paul saying, "From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament". The Him in this case is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because of His death on Calvary's cross to redeem us of our sins, He has brought us together. Have you ever been a part of a big family where the matriach or the patriach was considered the "glue" of the family? Well, consider Jesus in this same light. He's the glue that keeps us, as believers nationwide and worldwide, intact! As a part of this Christian body, we are the "supporting ligaments" mentioned here. Whether if you are a singer in the choir, a preacher, an usher, a deacon, or a trustee, you are a supporting ligament in the body of Christ! What do these supporting ligaments supposed to do?

Paul provides the answer to this question. The supporting ligaments "grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work". As a supporting ligament in the body of Christ, we are obligated to grow and build one another up in love. We can do these things as "each part does its work". In other words, it's on you, my brother, and you, my sister, and myself, to grow in God's love through His Word, through communication time in prayer, through fellowshipping with one another, through praying for breakthroughs and miracles in our lives, and through doing what God wants us and needs us to do for His Kingdom. As we do these things, we not only grow, but we are building the body in love. Our intent is to pray for another in love, to worship with one another in love, to fellowship with one another in love, to edify one another in love, and the list goes on and on. The body ultimately grows and builds when everyone does their part! In this season of my life, God allows me to help His body grow through ministering these devotionals to each of you on a weekday basis. Others of you help the body of Christ grow through praying for your brothers and sisters, preaching the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the Word of God, edifying your brother and sister, providing help when need be, and whatever else God needs from you. As everyone does their part, I cannot function with you and you cannot function without me! As Hezekiah Walker sung a while back, I need you to survive and we need one another to survive!

In closing, Peyton Manning and Drew Brees cannot be the quarterbacks they are today without their teams. Our churches cannot become great churches without active and real members, striving and hungering after Christ and the things of Him. We cannot grow the body of Christ without doing our part! Jesus brought us together, holds us together, and He is looking for us to do our end to keep this body growing! Are you willing to step up and do your part to make Christ's body grow?

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