Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"His Intended Purpose"

Scripture: "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." -John 3:17, NIV

Within this lifetime, God has established us with a purpose. Some of you may have been purposed to encourage your fellow man. Some of you may have been purposed to sing to the Glory of God. Some of you may have been purposed to preach the uncompromising Word of Jesus Christ. Some of you may have been purposed to serve as an intercessor on behalf of God's people to God. Some of you may have been purposed to prophesy over your family, friends, and foes alike. When it's all said and done, each and every one of you has an intended purpose! As we have an intended purpose, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, had an intended purpose. This purpose is disclosed within today's text.

Today's main scripture is located in the Gospel account according to John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke's accounts of the Gospel are called in totality the "Synoptic Gospels" because of their accounts being similar in story line and discussion of Jesus's life. Within John's account, He establishes Jesus as "Logos" or "the Word" without dealing with His birth nor geneaology, thus immediately beginning with Him working miracles. Within this particular chapter, Jesus converses with Nicodemus (verses 1 - 21) and we hear about John's testimony about Jesus Christ (verses 22 - 36). Within Nicodemus's conversation with Jesus, He discloses to this young ruler His intended purpose.

Jesus initiates today's text by saying, "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world". What a real and yet powerful statement! He lets Nicodemus know and us, as readers know, that God did not purpose Him to come into this world to condemn it! He did not come into this world to bad mouth its people! He did not come into this world so He could enrich the richer and lessen the poor! If Jesus did not do these things, then why do we think we can do it? I was in a meeting with my ministerial brothers and sisters, and one thing our pastor told us is "to love the sinner and not love the sin!" If we cut the grass short enough, we have ALL sinned and come short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23), which means there's no room for judgement or any room for condemnation! I encourage you, my brother, and my sister, that as you live this life, watch your conversation, and be careful not to condemn anyone because God is the ultimate judge!

Jesus completes His message to Nicodemus by letting Him know His intended purpose is "to save the world through Him". In other words, Jesus' mission was to take on the sins of the world that began with Adam through the heroes and people of the Old Testament and for those people during His ministry and after His ministry (which includes you and me) and save us all from our sins! He knew that eventually that He would have a disciple to betray Him in Judas, He knew that Peter would deny Him three times, He knew that He had to die on Calvary's cross, and He knew that He had to rise again on the 3rd day morning with all power in His hands! With Him doing these things, He would serve, has served, and is serving His intended purpose, "saving the world through Him". As men and women of God, we ought to minister Jesus and strive to live Christ-like! We ought to remember that no matter how bad this world gets or will get, Jesus saved us!

In closing, we all have intended purposes within this world of ours. I'm thankful for Jesus' intended purpose: to not condemn the world and to save the world through Him! Aren't you glad about Jesus saving you from this world of sin? If so, take a moment to tell Him Thank You, live a life showing your appreciation, and minister to those as opportunity presents itself and even when it does not present itself!

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