Saturday, May 29, 2010

"He Gives You Understanding"

Scripture: “But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.” –Job 32:8, NIV

One of my toughest subjects in school, from elementary school through my doctoral studies, was English. English forced me to verbalize myself that was not mathematic and not scientific. It forced me to pay close attention to detail in a story in order to receive its gist or understanding. When those times came where I did not understand, I am grateful for such superb high school teachers who painted the picture clearly for me. There’s nothing like receiving understanding or getting something you have been trying to get. If truth were told, we have all needed someone to explain something to us, whether if it was Biblical, in Math, in English, in Social Studies, or any subject. I am encouraged today that there’s someone who wants to give you understanding, who wants to give you clarity on your life’s matters, who wants to illuminate your vision to see what is in store for you. Journey along with me as we look at today’s main scripture.

Our main scripture for today is found in the Poetic book of Job. Job was described as a man who feared God, upright, blameless, and eschewed (shun/hated) evil. He was the ideal family man. He had ten children and as his children partied and enjoyed the good life, he covered them in prayer and sacrificed on their behalf. As parents, godparents, grandparents, or anything else, we ought to sacrifice for our little ones because down the road, when you are in a pinch, you would expect them to sacrifice for you. As the good times roll, here came the enemy. If you look at this thing, God gave the enemy permission to mess with Job, but gave the enemy the restriction of not touching Job’s soul. Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to these troubles of life, know that God gave the enemy permission to mess with you because He knows what He has placed in you and though it might try to kill you, it won’t! As the story goes, Job loses everything! He lost his family! He lost his riches! He lost his home! He lost it all! Throughout the 42 chapters of Job, we find out how Job withstood life’s pains and circumstances. Within this particular chapter, we are introduced to a conversation had between Job and Elihu. Elihu was a special man within Job because of the fact that he was very unhappy with the discussion Job had with his three “friends” and in addition, he was disappointed in Job for justifying himself rather than God. Through this dialogue, we learn about who wants to give you understanding.

Elihu stated for today’s main scripture by saying, “But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding”. It’s the Spirit of God that resides in you that provides you, my brother, and you, my sister clarity and understanding. When you are a little puzzled about financial situations, tap into the Spirit of God that resides in you to receive understanding. When you are a little puzzled about emotional situations, tap into the Spirit of God that resides in you to receive understanding. When you are puzzled about spiritual situations, tap into the Spirit of God that resides in you to receive understanding. Whatever you need understanding about, tap into the Spirit of God and know that His Spirit resides in you and allow that to guide you correctly. Jesus told His disciples that when He would leave, He would leave them the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them in all things! Just as He left them the Holy Spirit, He left us this same Spirit to help us!

In closing, I was glad to make it through English through receiving understanding from my teachers. Just like me, we have all had to have someone help us with things. On today, God wants you to know that His Spirit will give you understanding in the things you deal with. Aren’t you glad knowing that God cares for you and that He is willing to provide you clarity/understanding? If you are, then take a moment to talk to Him about your life’s situations and I promise you, He’ll provide understanding!

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