Friday, May 21, 2010

"God Possesses a Long-Term Memory"

Scripture: “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”-Hebrews 6:10, NIV

Have you ever been a part of a family gathering and someone begins to talk about a past incident/experience? Next thing you know, there’s one/two individual(s) who remember the incident as if it was yesterday. They could tell you what day it was, when during the day, who was a part of the incident, how the incident occurred, what happened after the incident, and other things. As you listen to people talk like that, you become amazed that they would remember what happened. You say to them, “Man, you have a memory like an elephant”. Just as certain family members possess long-term memory about certain incidents and accidents, so does your Heavenly Father. How can we make such a bold statement? Let’s examine today’s text to receive clarity here.

Today’s main scripture is located in the book of Hebrews. Scholars consider this epistle as one of exhortation for those persecuted believers to continue in the grace of Jesus Christ. If truth were told, throughout our respective Christian journeys, whether they have been long or short, we have all been persecuted because we believe in the Almighty God. I thank Him on today knowing that through my faith and belief in God, He has my back! He will never leave me, nor forsake me! He will be with me, even until the end of the world! I pray that I am not the only one glad about this on today. I pray you are too! Within this sixth chapter, the author makes us aware of God’s long-term memory when it comes to His children, along with providing discussion on the certainty of God’s promise (verses 13 – 20).

One of the first things the author points out to us about God is that “God is not unjust”. Isn’t it a blessing to know that God has spared us of the things we actually and honestly deserved? Doesn’t it minister to your soul when you think about how God through His Son Jesus Christ, pleaded your case on Calvary and because of His blood, has made you not guilty? Doesn’t it bless you to know that God is not like man where man will judge you wrong? Thank God that He is a just God and not an unjust one!

Inclusive with His justness, we now see how God has a long-term memory. The author continues on and says, “He will not forget your work”. Now that statement right there ought to make someone give Him praise! Throughout this walk, we have ALL been a part of something where we have given our 110% and by haps and circumstances, we were, in our minds, not recognized properly, not appreciated properly, not thanked properly, but today, God wants you to know, my brother and my sister, that though man may not pay homage or respect you for your work, God has not forgot your work! When God does not forget your work, there are blessings with your name on it!

The author completes the message here as he also says that God will remember “the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them”. As we walk this Earth every day, God is watching everything that you and I do! He’s watching how we minister on Sunday morning at 7am and then talk about someone at 9 am. He’s watching how we received a Rhema Word on Sunday morning at 11 am and in turn, speak negative at 2 pm. God is watching how you and I interact with our brothers on a daily basis. He possesses a long-term memory for when you don’t love your brother and when you do love your brother! Jesus tells us in Matthew 25 that when you have done things unto the least of these brothers, you have done it unto me! God remembers when you fed the hungry! God remembers when you visited someone in the hospital! God remembers when you went to an elderly member’s home and cleaned up their house! God remembers when you spoke encouragement into the life of one of His children! He is going to steadily remember when you continue to serve His people! He is going to remember how you love His people! If you don’t remember anything else, God has a long-term memory and He is going to remember everything you do!

In closing, it’s a beautiful to reminisce about what happened back in the days. It’s even more beautiful when you have someone who remembers the event and its details. Just like that, God is documenting the love you show His people daily! He is documenting the work you have done! He is also wanting you to remember that He is a just God! Aren’t you glad that someone recognizes your work though man does not all the time? If you do, continue to serve God and His people in excellence and leave the recognition behind!

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