Thursday, September 10, 2009

"The Wrong That Made Us Right"

Scripture: "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." -2 Corinithians 5:21

If you have a Big Mama or a Papa or a Nana or Pop within your family, you often hear them say things that make you scratch your head. These things tend to be phrases or cliches they received from their parents and grandparents. Today, the cliche of focus deals with the cliche "Two wrongs do not make a right". Many of us have found ourselves ready to get even at someone because of something they said or something they done to us or our family/friends. Within the Kingdom of God, God teaches us not to be vengeful for He said in Romans that "Vengenance is His". However, in today's text, we're presented with an instance where a wrong made us right.

Our devotional journeey today shifts us to the book of 2 Corinthians. This book was written by the awesome man of God, known as the Apostle Paul. This book was the second letter written to the church at Corinth with the intent of reassuring them that he loves them and would not do anything to hurt him. Within this particular chapter, the themes dealt with include our heavenly dwelling and the ministry of reconciliation. Today's main scripture falls into the theme of the ministry of reconciliation. God loved you and I so much that He reconciled us to Himself, but the big question is how? Let's examine how.

The beginning of the text says, "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us". Isn't that a profound statement? Doesn't that statement make you want to shout right there? The first part of the text is what I would consider the "wrong". However, God, like us, have the mentality of what needs to be done needs to be done! Given how much sin that was in the world, God had to find a representative to take on our sin. He tried Abraham, but he didn't work! He tried Moses, but he didn't work! He tried David, but he didn't work! He tried Solomon, but he didn't work! He tried others, but none of them could work! Being the kind of God who loves us endlessly, He sacrificed the only thing He knew that was perfect and blameless - His Son, Jesus! Straight from Heaven came our Savior, flawless and all, lived life for 33 years, and died on Calvary's cross for your sin and my sin. Call me crazy, but how many of us would sacrifice our children or ourselves for others? I am thankful today that Jesus did it!

Given what I stated earlier that the sacrifice of Jesus was the "wrong", the wrong did something special for us. The text closes by saying, "so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God". Thanks to our Savior and His sacrifice of life, Him taking on our wrong made us right! It made us so right that we are now the righteousness of God! When you receive the bonus on your job, it's because you are the righteousness of God! When you are able to pay your bills and your money is tight, it's because you are the righteousness of God! When you are able to see your children blessed from your constant prayers and example, it's because you are the righteousness of God! When you were sick and He made you well, it's because you are the righteousness of God! When you received the house you had no business receiving, it's because you are the righteousness of God! Aren't you glad that you are right because Jesus took on your wrong! If so, you ought to praise Him where you are and tell Him Thank You!

In closing, though two wrongs do not make a right, Jesus was the "wrong" that made us right. He took on sin from all of us. He took it and went to Calvary's cross and died for us. Because of that, we are the righteousness of God! I encourage you, despite what it look like, remember that you are the righteousness of God and you ought to walk in it boldly!

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