Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"One Is Better Than the Other"

Scripture: "… To obey is better than sacrifice, …" -1 Samuel 15:22, NIV

Our everyday lives are filled with decisions and comparisons. What do I want to eat for breakfast? McDonald's or a local restaurant? Once I get to the restaurant or McDonald's, what do I want to eat? A sausage biscuit or hotcakes with sausage? When you are at home, you deal with the decision, What am I wearing for work on today? Polo with slacks or a suit? At the end of the day, we make these decisions because in our mind, one is better than the other. Today, for example, since I knew the high temperature would be in the 80's and sunny, I decided to wear a polo with slacks versus a full blown suit. Many of you make decisions on the basis of how you are feeling, what people would say, what you feel like eating, and other parameters. On the spiritual level, we too, must focus on the decisions we make. We must realize that some decisions are much better than other decisions. It's better for you to pray for an enemy versus cuss an enemy out. It's better to give God His 10% in tithes than spend it on a new suit or dress. It's better to bless the man of God than to curse him and say bad things about him. Within today's text, we will find another critical example of one thing being better than the other.

Our devotional journey today takes us to one of the books of History within the Old Testament, 1 Samuel. In this particular book, we learn about God allowing Israel to have a king like everyone else and yet letting them know that He will choose the king. We also learn about the development and growth of the prophet known as Samuel, the manchild birthed out of tears and prayers by Hannah. In today's text, we find Samuel in a rough spot. We find that the Lord has removed His hand off of the first king of Israel, Saul. Saul, within this chapter, was found to be disobedient to God and His will, thus bringing about this rejection from the Father. In this chapter, we find that Saul and Samuel are having dialogue and today's main text reveals to us the thoughts that were on Samuel's mind.

The thought that was ultimately on Samuel's mind that was conveyed to Saul was simply, "To obey is better than sacrifice". Brothers and sisters, when it comes down to your walk with God, God is more concerned about your obedience to Him than your sacrifice to Him. There have been many examples within the Bible that shows us obedience is the way to go! Look at Abraham, he left his native land to follow God and to become the father of many nations. Look at Joshua, he continued to follow the laws God gave Moses and now him and he led the Israelites into Canaan, the land that flows with milk and honey. Look at Jesus Christ Himself, He was the ultimate example of obedience and sacrifice, but He had to be obedient for His sacrifice to be appreciated and received. He left His lofty position in Heaven, on His "Heavenly Recliner", came through the Virgin Mary, to be the obedient one for 33 years and yet, provide us the example of living life and following the statutes of God. If you could for one split second, look back over your life and the things you have done in obeying God and in sacrificing to God. Which mechanism granted you the greater gain? I know that within my lifetime, truly my obedience to God has given me more than anything! If you answer this same question, you would say that your obedience has netted you more as well!

In closing, just as our everyday lives have decisions where one thing is better than another, God wants you and I to know that obedience is better than sacrifice. Don't get it twisted, the Father accepts sacrifices as well. He just do not accept any kind of sacrifice! My encouragement to you, my brother, and my sister is to focus on being more obedient to God than sacrificing! He'll greatly appreciate it and make it worth your while!

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