As a teenager listening to music, there was an artist from New York City who grabbed my attention. He was not the lightest skinned of guys, nor the skinniest of guys. However, he had something to say and the right man provided him the opportunity to do so. This artist, this rapper, that I am making reference to is known as Biggie Smalls aka the Notorious B.I.G. In 1994, the Notorious B.I.G. dropped an album under the Bad Boy umbrella entitled “Ready to Die”. This album was such a hit that it sold over four million copies, thus earning the distinction quadruple platinum. One of the songs that was on this particular album was entitled “Give Me One More Chance”. This single alone garnered over a million copies being sold. Within this song, you hear the ladies asking Biggie to give them one more chance because other guys/men are in the picture or with them. When I think about the title of this song, I think about God and how He is with us, His children. There are times where we go astray and just like God, He is like “Give me one more chance!” There are times where we go the wrong way and think God has left us and in turn, we ask Him “Give me one more chance!” Today, we have a great example of this title in action.
Today’s message takes us to the Minor Prophet of Hosea. Within this book, we learn that Hosea is married to a prostitute by the name of Gomer. In its introductory chapter, we find that at this time, there was a strong disconnect between Israel and God. We also find out that Gomer bore Hosea three children, two sons and a daughter. Each of their names carried negativity with them. Within your circles of life, be careful that your name does not bring negativity or add negativity to a scene! As we forge ahead to the third chapter, we find the thought of “Give Me One More Chance” at work.
Hosea writes, “Then God ordered me, Start all over: Love your wife again, your wife who’s in bed with her latest boyfriend, your cheating wife”. What a STRONG statement! I know most of my ladies that are readers would say that there’s no way in the world that they would take a cheating husband back. In turn, I know that most of my men that are readers would say that there’s no way in the world that they would take a cheating wife back. Hosea showed some guts and more importantly, he showed obedience to God! There will come seasons in your life where God will tell you to do some really strange things and it will be on you, my brother, and you, my sister, to step up and do what thus saith the Lord! That’s why the text makes mention that “obedience is better than sacrifice”. Many of us often hear that we’ll be blessed in the city, blessed in the field, blessed when we go, etc., but that blessing cannot be pronounced over you unless you obey Him! Oftentimes, all God want you to do is give Him one more chance so He can show you His goodness!
God tells Hosea to do this by using this example: “Love her the way I, God, love the Israelite people, even as they flirt and party with every god that takes their fancy”. If we were to cut the grass short enough, does that sound like the Christian church on today? Does that sound like you and does that sound like me today? Yes, we strive towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, but in turn, we often flirt and party with other gods! You know, the god of money! The god of having lavish things! The god of jealousy! The god of envy! The god of strife! At the end of the day, aren’t you glad that He has given you one more chance on today? Aren’t you glad that though we may flirt and party with the little g gods, He still wants to be our big g God? Aren’t you glad that as He has given you one more chance, He wants us to give Him one more chance?
In closing, the Notorious B.I.G. made a pronounced statement with his album, Ready to Die. Over four million records sold and reputation for being a great rapper came with his diligence and hard work. “Give Me One More Chance” is definitely one you can boob your head to, but today provided us a platform to understand God and His love for us. This title has opened our eyes to appreciate God and His compassion for us. As He has been compassionate with us, let’s be thankful unto Him, and be compassionate for our brothers and sisters! Just give Him one more chance and watch the blessings He will bring your way!
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