Over the past ten years, there has been a group in Gospel music who has created awesome songs of ministry and yet songs with crossover appeal. When I say crossover appeal, I mean being able to be not only a Gospel hit, but a R&B/Hip-Hop hit. This group I am making reference to are a set of sisters from the metropolitan Los Angeles, California area. These sisters go by the name of Mary Mary, with Erica and Tina Atkins-Campbell, making up this dynamic duo. In 2008, Mary Mary released their last album which receives major play throughout the radio waves today entitled “The Sound”. On this particular album, the ladies released another one of those crossover hits, which serves as the impetus of today’s message. This song is entitled “Get Up”. The gist of this song encourages you to make the most of your time because you are one of God’s greatest creations. It encourages you to get off of your bed of do nothing and do something! It encourages you to be proactive and make things happen, instead of sitting and waiting for things to happen. As men and women of God, God is encouraging you and me on today to do the same thing! He is encouraging us to get up from our beds of do nothing! He is encouraging us to get up from our bed of procrastination! He is encouraging us to get up and make things happen! With this thought in mind, today’s text provides the perfect example of someone taking the initiative to get up.
Today’s scripture is located in the Gospel account according to John. Within this fifth chapter, John takes us to Jerusalem where our Lord and Savior is there for the Feast of the Jews. Before getting to this feast, Jesus went to a pool known in the Aramaic as Bethesda and at this pool, there were sick people (paralyzed, blind, and lame). At the pool, we find a particular man who has been at this pool, according to the text for 38 years! The text refers to this man as being an invalid. In the King James, it refers to this man as a man with an infirmity or sickness. Why was this man an invalid for so long? Well, if you go to the King James version, in verse 4, it makes mention that at a certain season, an angel comes and troubles the water (i.e., He stirs the water) with healing power and anyone who can make it to the pool would receive healing. If I could poll the readers, how many of you are willing to just be an invalid? How many are you are willing to say, “God, help me to do what I can not to be like this invalid!” As Jesus approached this invalid, He simply asked him do you want to be made well? With this in mind, we’re now at our main scripture.
The invalid answers Jesus by saying, “Sir, the invalid replied, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me”. If you sit and read this thing for a quick second, what is this invalid man giving Jesus? Yes, you guessed it, an excuse! I have heard the cliché that excuses are like buttholes, everyone has one! As men and women of God, God is not looking at us for excuses, He is looking at us for solutions! He is looking at us to simply answer the questions He poses to us! He is looking for us to simply trust Him at His Word when He asks us things! He is looking for you to man/woman up, not boy/girl down! Since this man had an excuse, Jesus had an answer and solution to work pass this man’s excuse.
He tells the man this: “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” In the King James, it says, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk”. As I write today’s message, there is someone who will read this and say that I am like this invalid man, whether you are invalid in finances, invalid in emotions, invalid mentally, invalid physically, or even invalid spiritually. Well, I have some news for you: God says for you to get up! Get up off of your bed of depression! Get up off of your bed of emotional letdowns! Get up off of your bed of mental breakdowns! Get up off of your bed of stress at the workplace! Get up off of your bed of past agonies! Once you get off your bed, pick that bed up, and walk! Walk into your destiny! Walk into your victory! Walk into your healing! Walk into your miracle! Walk into your breakthrough! Walk into the season God has destined for you!
In closing, Mary Mary’s “The Sound” has reached #1 on the U.S. Gospel and U.S. Christian charts. They also went on to win a Grammy for Best Gospel Performance for this song, “Get Up”. I am thankful for the message they conveyed through this song; however, I am even more thankful for Jesus conveying this same message to us through the Gospel of John! Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly! I encourage you, my brother, and my sister, that no matter what bed you may be lying in, God wants you to get up! When you get up, take your bed, and walk into the things He has for you! Are you ready to get up or are you satisfied lying down?
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