One of the great praise and worship songs of the modern-day church serves as our topic for today. The name of the song being “How Great Is Our God!” Some of the lyrics say, “He is the name above all names, and He is worthy of my praise, and my heart will sing, How Great is Our God!” If you sat back for a quick second, you can reminisce about the greatness of God in your life! If it wasn’t for the greatness of God, you would not be living on this morning! If it wasn’t for the greatness of God, you wouldn’t have the job you possess or the energy you possess on this morning! If it wasn’t for the greatness of God, you and I would be dead and not living in this world. Aren’t you thankful for the greatness of God that resides in your life and consistently shows up in your life daily? Well, just in case you are having a hard time accepting the greatness of our God and the blessings He has given you, let today’s main scripture minister to you on His greatness!
Micah serves as today’s feature book. This Old Testament book is one of the 12 Minor Prophet books. Micah was written between 735 and 700 B.C. Scholars conclude that the practical application of this book is that God gives us warnings so that we will not have to suffer His wrath. It’s important to pay attention to God and the signs He leave you! Within this particular chapter, Chapter 7, Micah deals with three critical elements: 1) Israel’s misery (verses 1 – 7), 2) Israel will rise (verses 8 – 13), and 3) Prayer and Praise (verses 14 – 20). Within Micah’s prayer and praise is where we find today’s main scripture and some more evidence about the greatness of our God.
Micah begins today’s text by saying, “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance?” The greatness of our God shown here is that He is a forgiving God. Not only that He is a forgiving God, but He is a forgiving God of remnants! Remnants are those who have remained after a period of time; a group that has survived hard times. In other words, if you take a hard look at yourself, you are a remnant! You are a survivor! You are one that remained after your family done you wrong! You are one that remained after the job has kicked your tail! You are one that stands after things have gone crazy in your life! Because you are a remnant, God’s greatness is there to forgive our transgressions (sins)! As God has forgiven our sins and shown compassion, it’s on us to show people like us, compassion, love, understanding, and forgive them of their sins! As we stated in a message a while back, compassion and God’s comfort is not just for you! It’s for everyone!
The greatness of our God continues through the text when Micah says, “You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.” In other words, the greatness of God shown here is that He is a merciful God. Aren’t you glad that grace and His twin brother, mercy, pleaded your case on more than one occasion? I often think about us, as men and women, and depending on the individual, may hold unnecessary grudges and end up messing up some great friendships and bonds. Aren’t you blessed by the Father in knowing that His anger is not forever with you and He LOVES or delights to show mercy? If you are happy about the greatness of God that shows mercy, then you ought to give Him praise wherever you are!
Listen to this last portion of today’s scripture: “You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea”. The greatness of our God shown here is two-fold: He is a compassionate God and He is a God that cleans the slate! I bless God for being a compassionate God! I bless God because when I was in sin (sin from day-to-day), that He is able to stomp on those sins and throw my iniquities into the depths of the sea where NO man can find them! David tells us that He removes our transgressions as far as the east is from the west! In other words, whatever sin you have committed, God is a compassionate God where He forgives you and that He’ll wipe your slate clean! He presents you new mercies each and every day! (Lamentations 3:23) He presents us these new mercies because He wants us to strive and live a life pleasing and acceptable in His eyesight! Because of God’s greatness, He is worthy of the praise, the glory, and the honor!
In closing, I want you to reflect on the greatness of God within your life. Reflect on where you were and where you are right now. Reflect on the fact that God is a forgiving God. Reflect on the fact that God is a merciful God. Reflect on the fact that God is a compassionate God and provides you and me a clean slate every day. When you reflect on these things hard, you’ll truly understand God’s greatness and will have NO shame in giving our Heavenly Father praise!
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