One of the greatest lessons a child can learn is to do his/her best NOT to lie to one's parents. I could recall an instance as a second grader, I would get my graded papers from my second grade teacher. Most of them were good and some of them were bad. Bad in the sense of getting Fs. As I would make my way home, I would throw away the bad papers and allow my Mama to see the good ones. However, my trashing my papers caught up to me. My teacher, Ms. Dobson, called my Mama to tell her about some bad grades I made. When I came home, Mama asked me if I had some bad grades and I had the unmitigated gall to lie and say that I didn't. Let's just say that my butt paid the price for lying, but I am still alive to tell about it! Since that day, I strive not to lie to people about stuff and learned that there's value in telling the truth. There are times, as men and women of God, think that we are exempt from telling the truth and in all actuality, we ought to be the ones telling it more than anyone! Not only that, we ought to tell others to tell the truth and tell others about THE TRUTH (Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ)! Today, God has provided us an awesome text in letting us know that there's value in telling the truth.
Our focus today has shifted to the book of 2 Samuel. This book focuses its energy on the reign of King David as king of Judah and eventually, Israel. During this particular text, we find David had made one of his gravest errors as king and more importantly, as a man of God. In Chapter 11 of 2 Samuel, we find that David fell in lust (not love) with Bathsheba. Through his lust, David and Bathsheba laid together. Eventually, this led to Bathesheba becoming pregnant with David's child. However, David found out that she was married to a Hittite named Uriah. Once David found this out, he had Uriah to go to the front of the battle on his country's behalf, figuring that Uriah would die in battle. Sure enough, the text reveals to us that Uriah died in battle. Bathesheba did mourn the death of Uriah; however, she joined David in the royal palace, married him, and had him a son. Something interesting was mentioned at the end of Chapter 11. It says, "But the thing David had done has displeased the Lord". Brothers and sisters, there will come times, whether if it's today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, where you will do some things that will displease the Lord. Even with that being said, it's on us to obtain forgiveness from the Father and continue to live the best we can!
The scene has now shifted from Chapter 11 to Chapter 12 where Nathan, David's prophet sent by God, visits the king and tells him a story (read verses 1 -6 for more details). Through being told this story, David became angry at the individual that committed the wrong. However, what Nathan wanted him to see was the fact that David was like the individual that committed the wrong. Nathan stated that for the wrong David did in the dark, it would be exposed out in the light! Be careful of the things you do in the dark because if you are not careful, God may expose you in the light! Nathan allowed David to understand that he was so wrong in fact that God would punish him by having his wives sleep with men in public! Throughout this pain, blues, and agony, David realized that there's value in telling the truth. Let's examine his words and the actions that occurred afterwards.
The author revealed to us this, "Then David said to Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD". Wow! What a profound and yet simple statement! David owned up to his mistake. Can you imagine what life would be like if we owned up to the mistakes we made against our spouses and told them that I have wronged you? Can you imagine what life would be like if we owned up to the mistakes we made against our children and tell them that I have wronged you? Can you imagine what life would be like if we owned up to the mistakes we have made in talking to our fellow man and apologizing to them? I tell you what the world would be like, it would be wonderful! Due to our flesh, it oftentimes makes us think that we do not lie about things. It makes us think that what we said was correct and did not carry harm. David's son, Solomon, warns us that life and death is in the power of the tongue! Be careful of the things you say to people and about people! Be careful about the things you have done or will do to people!
The last part of this text should reinforce the love you have for your God. Nathan tells David, "The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die". Though you may have cheated on your spouse, God will take away your sin if you tell the truth! Though you may have came off wrong on your brother and sister talking, God will take away your sin if you tell the truth! Though you may have hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly, God will take away your sin if you tell the truth! Jesus allows us to understand the value in telling the truth. He tells us that "The truth shall set you free". When you know who the truth is, when you know the truth is Jesus Christ, you should have no problems telling others the truth when you have done wrong! You have no problems telling the truth when you said something wrong! You should have no problems in telling others about the TRUTH that's Jesus Christ! You should have no problems sharing with them that the wages of sin, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord! If you are born again, saved, fire baptized, and filled with the Holy Ghost, you know the potency of the truth and you know that there's value in telling the truth!
In closing, I never told my Mama a lie for a long time after that incident. My butt was like, don't do it again! Oftentimes, God wants you to know that there's no shame in telling the truth! Because if you tell the truth, He will forgive your sin and you will not die from it! David did lose his son, but God preserved him and allowed David to tell us greater stories through his reign and provide powerful thoughts through his Psalms. Aren't you glad that God wants you to be truthful with Him and know that you'll be alright?
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