Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"There's Greatness Inside of You"

Scripture: "… because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.." -1 John 4:4

2007 proved to be a blessed year for yours truly. In this year, God allowed me to defend my dissertation after four and a half years of doctoral research, graduate with my PhD on December 15, and land my job with the NRC. As the year was about to close out, I had a great conversation with my cousin, who gave me my name. This conversation took place on Christmas Day. During this conversation, he shared with me that in his opinion, I have lived up to the men who I was named after (Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya). To hear him say that made me feel that I have achieved some greatness. I stand before you today knowing that there's more greatness inside of me. It was one thing to achieve greatness within this world, but there's a greatness I want to further achieve and that's in the Spirit. Brothers and sisters, we all have greatness inside of us. It's on us to tap into that greatness. It's on us to make this greatness worthwhile and to a point where it impacts the world and those around us. The question I pose to you: Are you sitting on your greatness? Have you tapped into your greatness? Today's text will further identify what I mean by there's greatness inside of you.

Our devotional journey today brings us to the book of 1 John. Within this particular chapter, the writer cautions believers against giving heed to everyone that pretends to the Spirit (verses 1 - 6) and enforcing brotherly love (verses 7 - 21). Within this day and age, it's imperative to have your spiritual radar tuned in and ready to receive signals from the Almighty God when it comes to those who "operate in the Spirit". Within this chapter, we find out about the greatness that's inside of us.

The beginning of the text clarifies the greatness that's inside of you. It tells us that "because greater is He that is in you". Who is the He? The Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Ladies and gentlemen, the greatness that resides in you comes from the Father. It blessed me to hear my cousin say that I lived up to my name sakes, but it is a greater blessing to know that God is schooling me daily and is blessing me daily and working on me daily to achieve greatness in Him! If we just gave Him our gifts and team those things up with His greatness, the world would be on greater fire for the Lord! If we would tap into the greatness that's Him, we would never be broke! We would never be hurt! We would never worry about anything! We would be able to further encourage our brothers and sisters. We would be able to be more effective! However, it's critical to tap into the greatness that's God that's inside of you! Read your Word to tap into the greatness! Pray to your Father to tap into the greatness! Commune with other believers to tap into the greatness!

Because we know that God is our greatness in us, then it's greater "than he that is in the world". This "he" would be the enemy, Satan, the Devil, and any other term you would like to use. When the enemy says you cannot conquer your fear of people, God says you can! When the enemy says that you will not get that job, God says you can! When the enemy says don't start your own company, God says you can! When the enemy says that you are not able, God says you are able! When the enemy says you will never amount to anything, God says you will! Though I completed my PhD, there were many times I wanted to throw in the towel, but the He that was in me was greater than the he that is in this world! It's because of Him that I am here and I can tell the story! It's because of Him that you are alive and well and can testify to the same fact!

In closing, God wants each of us to achieve the best out of life! He wants us to be able to live and live comfortably. He wants us to be able to make an impact on the lives of His people. How do we do these things? By tapping into the greatness that resides in Him! If God gives you something, know that He is with you and He will never forsake you as you continue on this journey! Allow God to rule over every demonic spirit that tries to take you out because there's greatness inside of you! No one and nothing can stop your greatness unless you suppress it!

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