This time last weekend, my wife and I were getting our last-minute things together as we were preparing for our trip to Pennsylvania. After grabbing some clothes for one of our events and taking care of our business, we made the drive to one of my ministerial friend's house where we jumped in their vehicle in route to the meeting point. Once we got to the meeting point and saw the number of people on the bus, we knew a good time was in line. One week later, after recovering from a 70's bowling party, snow tubing, shopping, fun at a nearby casino, and pure fellowship, I can say that it was not only a blessing, but it allowed me to connect with some people and be blessed by their lives and stories. This only occurred when we came together. Brothers and sisters, within our walks with God, He wants you and I to understand that "no man is an island" and it's something special when His people come together. Today's text will further illustrate this point.
Today's main scripture is located in the Gospel account according to Matthew. Within his account, scholars remark that Matthew conveys the work of Jesus Christ in such a manner that makes it exciting for the Christian of those days and even the modern-day Christian. This book's purpose was to convey to the Jews that Jesus was the Promised Messiah, mentioned in the Old Testament. Within this particular chapter, Jesus ministers to His disciples through the parables of the lost sheep and the unmerciful servant, and also provides discussion on who's the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and what to do when a brother sins against you. Within His dealing about when a brother sins against you, we find clarity in what occurs when we come together.
As Jesus spoke here, He started the text by saying, "Again I tell you that if two of you on Earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven". Old Testament backs this scripture through the Minor Prophet Amos when he said, "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?" Brothers and sisters, there was a devotional I wrote a while back entitled "There's Power in Agreement". Get this one in your Spirit on today: Some of the greatest blessings in your life come when you touch and agree with another believer! I have seen God work miraculously because of the power of agreement. Agreement cannot occur unless we come together! On today, if you are out there and you are looking for God to open up a financial blessing, I come into agreement with you! If you are looking for peace, I come into agreement with you! If you are looking for love and you have looked in all the wrong places, I come into agreement that God sends you the right man/woman! If your body has been racking with pain on this week, I come into agreement that God would provide His healing virtue over your body! Whatever you, as a believer, desire from God, find another believer, and come into agreement. If you do that, the Word through Jesus lets us know that "it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven".
Not only does God show up in your prayers when we come together, but He Himself shows up when we come together. The final part of the text says, "For where two or three come together in my Name, there am I with them". In other words, when two other people and me come together, in the name of Jesus, then Jesus has to come in! One of the most powerful things we do at our church is we pray for one another in groups of two and three. We do this because we know that God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will come in and see about us! We know that whatever problems are bogging us down, whether if they are financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, family-related, work-related, or anything else, we have one or two other people praying for us to strengthen us to make it! As I heard the elder generation use to say back in North Carolina, when God's people get together, what a time, what a time, what a time! Aren't you deserving of a good time with God and your fellow brothers and sisters? Aren't you deserving of breakthrough to take place in your life? Aren't you deserving of God doing something special for others through your prayers? If you feel and know that you are deserving, get together with your brother and/or sister sometime, come into agreement, and allow God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to manifest!